GLA Economics forecasts slow growth for London in the coming year December 19th, 2019 by Gordon Douglass GLA Economics has just published its latest economic forecasts for London. This uses our bespoke and newly updated forecasting model to estimate London’s economic output (as measured by gross value added or GVA), workforce jobs[1], household income and household spending up to 2021. At the headline level, we forecast: London’s economy is expected to have…
Indices of Deprivation 2019 Initial Analysis September 27th, 2019 by Rachel Leeser The Indices of Deprivation 2019 (ID2019) are the Government’s primary measure of deprivation for small areas (known as LSOAs) in England. They replace and update the Indices of Deprivation 2015. The main index is the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), which combines measures across seven distinct aspects of deprivation. It is important to note that…
A richer understanding of Londoners’ belonging, social isolation and views on fairness – further analysis of The Survey of Londoners September 10th, 2019 by Barry Fong In June of this year we published the headline findings from The Survey of Londoners, a major new social survey designed to measure social integration, economic fairness and food security across the city. The Survey provided new data on the extent of social mixing among Londoners and how these experiences are related to their sense…
Volunteer at City Hall’s next Data Surgery July 18th, 2019 by Hannah Goulding On July 24, the Greater London Authority will host it’s next Data Surgery for Civil Society organisations looking for support and guidance to get the most out of their data. We are looking for data scientists, analysts, statisticians and researchers who would be willing to volunteer for a couple of hours and share their expertise…
Assessing the unequal impact of tax and welfare reform in London July 17th, 2019 by Spencer Thompson Today, GLA City Intelligence published the first cumulative impact assessment (CIA) of welfare and tax reform in London. The UK tax-benefit system has undergone wide-reaching changes since 2010, including the gradual rollout of Universal Credit, above-inflation increases in the tax-free personal tax allowance and the introduction of the National Living Wage, alongside a host of…
The Survey of Londoners – a valuable addition to London’s Social Evidence Base June 27th, 2019 by Vivienne Avery City Intelligence has published the headline findings from The Survey of Londoners, a major new social survey designed to measure social integration, economic fairness and food security across the city. Over the last two years, we have been working with colleagues across the GLA to develop our social evidence base, our understanding of the social issues that affect…
The first food security estimates for London June 26th, 2019 by Barry Fong Back in October 2018, we wrote about the GLA’s plans to measure food security in London for the first time, through a series of questions included in the Survey of Londoners. The Survey has now concluded and the first results have been published on the London Datastore. With regard to food security the picture is…
City Intelligence Data Design Guidelines June 18th, 2019 by Mike Brondbjerg Data visualisation is created by almost everyone in the City Intelligence unit at City Hall. It is used in everything from data analysis and internal reporting to public facing reports, mapping and interactive applications. Effective communication of evidence and data through information design and data visualisation, is obviously important to help inform policy internally, but…
Using digital ‘exhaust’ to inform our Social Evidence Base April 2nd, 2019 by Vivienne Avery The City Intelligence Unit has published findings from research investigating the potential of new digital data sources to inform social policy analysis at City Hall. We are undertaking a programme of work known as the Social Evidence Base to inform policy on issues such as social integration, economic fairness and social mobility – areas which…
Poverty in London 2017/18 March 29th, 2019 by Rachel Leeser The total number of Londoners living in poverty has continued to rise over the last few years with the growing population and now stands at around 2.4 million people, according to official government figures. This means 28 per cent of everyone living in the region are in poverty, averaged over three years 2015/16-2017/18. The main…
Regional, sub-regional and local Gross Value Added estimates for London, 1998-2017 February 7th, 2019 by Daryl Rozario In December 2018, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released provisional estimates of regional, sub-regional and local gross value added (GVA) for 2017[1] and updated historic data from 1998. This supplement presents the main London findings from this release. Using the balanced approach GVA(B), London’s total GVA was above £425 billion in 2017, up 3.0%…