Economic Fairness
This webpage presents the Mayor of London’s Economic Fairness measures – a dataset that allows us to measure how fair and inclusive London’s economy is.
We define economic fairness as when all Londoners benefit from the city’s success, so that opportunity and prosperity are shared. This means tackling discrimination and disadvantage, and reducing the inequality by narrowing the gaps between people. Meeting this objective requires us to acknowledge a number of instances of unfairness – from the employment gaps, pay gaps or lack of access to opportunities that certain groups experience, through to London’s high cost of living, and the existence of poverty and destitution.
This definition and these instances of unfairness have shaped a set of measures to help the Mayor track the state of economic fairness. The measures cover the different aspects of fairness outlined in the overarching definition above. They are grouped together under three broad headings:
- A labour market that works for everyone – this is concerned with workplace/employer-based issues and covers measures relating to the theme of pay differentials and measures relating to the theme of fair employment practices and representation
- Equal opportunities – this covers a set of measures relating to accessing employment and measures relating to life chances such as school readiness, school achievement, skills as well as some relating to inequality and perceptions of fairness
- Raising living standards – this spans a range of topics from lowering the costs of living and reducing poverty to financial inclusion
The measures are not intended to serve as a means of tracking the Mayor’s performance in addressing unfairness – for many of these issues, it is national government that holds that responsibility, through its public spending decisions or stewardship of the economy. These measures will help the Mayor to hold to account those with the ability to take action.
For his part, the Mayor is committed to doing everything within his power to make London a fairer, more inclusive city. These measures will also help the Mayor to check that his priorities are the right ones. Where relevant, data has been included on the performance of the GLA Group of organisations to show the extent to which the organisations controlled by the Mayor are leading by example. Over time we will add more measures to this set, along with links to initiatives that the Mayor is taking.
Labour Market that works for everyone
This theme considers data on London’s workforce and experience of employment. As well as contextual information on the state of economic fairness in London and nationally, it highlights the data provided on aspects of the GLA group where the aim is to lead by example.