The 2018 London Borough Elections Report November 6th, 2018 by Joseph Colombeau The Greater London Authority have published the 2018 London Borough Council Elections report. With the aim of making the democratic process as transparent as possible to the London electorate, this report includes a great deal of detail on every aspect of the elections. No other single volume presents the full results and election statistics from…
Measuring food security in London October 19th, 2018 by Barry Fong In the Mayor of London’s draft Food Strategy he commits to ensuring to do all he can so that all Londoners can eat well and that they are able to enjoy food security for themselves and their family. Many Londoners are not able to eat well at home, in part because of issues relating to…
London Measured – A summary of key London’s key socio-economic trends October 11th, 2018 by Joseph Colombeau The GLA’s City Intelligence unit have recently pulled together a summary of some of the key socio-economic trends seen in London into a report we’ve called “London Measured”. The purpose of this report was to give new starters at the GLA a quick summary of what we know about London’s people and economy, however we…
Measuring Economic Fairness in London September 27th, 2018 by Rachel Leeser The Mayor of London is clear that a fair economy would be one where opportunity and prosperity are shared, so every Londoner can benefit from the city’s success. To achieve this, discrimination and disadvantage must be acknowledged and tackled. Inequalities must be recognised and reduced. As part of meeting this objective, it is necessary to…
Podcast: Putting data science to work saving lives September 27th, 2018 by Andrew Mobbs Not many people can see a link between fighting fires, banking and tailor-made dog food, but not everyone sees the world the same way as Apollo Gerolymbos. In an hour long podcast, Apollo – London Fire Brigades Head of Data Analytics – talks about all things data. He discusses how and why he became the…
Take part in our sports data expedition September 24th, 2018 by Hannah Goulding We are hosting a whole day Sports Data Expedition on the 31st of October at City Hall and are looking for volunteers to take part. What is a data expedition? A data expedition is an event that brings together those that might hold data, policy makers and data scientists to gain insight on a chosen…
Housing in London 2018 report August 8th, 2018 by Marcus McPhillips At the end of July 2018, the Greater London Authority released the 2018 edition of its annual Housing in London report. This report is the most extensive source of data on housing in the capital, serving as the evidence base for the Mayor’s London Housing Strategy. It is a resource for policymakers, practitioners and academics…
London’s pubs audit 2018 July 18th, 2018 by Nye Cominetti In 2017 the GLA published a ‘pubs audit’, to look at what was happening to pubs in London. We recently updated this audit for 2018 – this blog outlines some of the findings. The 2017 audit showed that the number of pubs had fallen by a quarter since 2001. In response, the GLA has moved…
A Summary of the Skills Evidence Base 2018 July 12th, 2018 by Nye Cominetti GLA Economics recently published an Evidence Base[1] about skills in London, to support the Mayor’s new skills and adult education strategy[2]. This strategy sets out policies relating to further education and technical skills. The GLA will also soon consult on implementation plans for the newly-devolved Adult Education Budget (AEB), worth around £300m per year. See…
The GLA voluntarily adopts the Code of Practice for Statistics July 11th, 2018 by Vivienne Avery Today, the GLA is voluntarily adopting the Code of Practice for Statistics. Part of the Mayor’s commitment to transparency, this builds on the GLA’s long history of producing and publishing high-quality statistics, and our commitment to the provision of open data through the London Datastore – our award-winning data platform for London. In a world…
London’s Economic Outlook – Spring 2018 June 6th, 2018 by Gordon Douglass GLA Economics forecasts subdued economic growth for London GLA Economics has recently published its latest economic forecasts for London. This uses our bespoke forecasting model to estimate London’s economic output (as measured by gross value added or GVA), workforce jobs[1], household income and household spending up to 2020. At the headline level, we forecast: London’s…
2018 School Place Demand Projections May 18th, 2018 by Wil Tonkiss In November 2015, GLA Demography produced the first pan-London school place demand projections. That publication provided the first consistent view of future demand for places in state-maintained schools across the capital. In the years since, the projections have proven a valuable resource in understanding emerging demand and in informing strategic decisions about future provision and…
Tracking social integration in London March 22nd, 2018 by Barry Fong Over the past year the GLA Intelligence Unit has been assisting in the development of the Mayor’s strategy to improve social integration in London. One of the main parts of this strategy is to improve London’s evidence base to measure, evaluate and share findings on the state of social integration. We have published a set…
Beyond London? Your Views on a Schools Atlas we can Share, Scale, and Improve March 14th, 2018 by Andrew Collinge and Ben Corr It’s been two years since we last wrote about the London Schools Atlas on this blog. In the intervening period, amidst a number of enhancements, we’ve given it an all-new user interface and updated with the latest data available from the DfE. As the title to this post indicates, we now have a decision before…
GLA becomes a partner of City Data Hack 2018 (16–18 March) March 13th, 2018 by Future Cities Catapult The Greater London Authority has chosen to partner on City Data Hack 2018, a Future Cities Catapult initiative that will bring together talented and passionate weekend participants, mentors and challenge partners keen to transform the experiences of citizens in London through data and digital solutions. “The main reason for hosting this event”, City Data Hack…
A ‘New Deal’ for City Data? January 25th, 2018 by Andrew Collinge, Assistant Director, Intelligence and Analysis, Greater London Authority Yesterday saw City Hall host an ‘Urban Data Markets’ conference. The event — bringing together some of the best data and smart city brains from London, Berlin and beyond — was opened by London’s CDO, Theo Blackwell. Having launched the listening exercise for the Mayor’s forthcoming Smart London Plan this week, Theo emphasised the vital role data has to play across public services,…