The 2018 London Borough Elections Report
The Greater London Authority have published the 2018 London Borough Council Elections report.
With the aim of making the democratic process as transparent as possible to the London electorate, this report includes a great deal of detail on every aspect of the elections. No other single volume presents the full results and election statistics from the 32 London boroughs enabling the reader to analyse and compare the results across London in one place.
The report presents data for every candidate in every ward (excluding the City of London which
operates on a different electoral model). Summaries are provided in the form of maps and tables, and to make comparisons easier, they mostly match those included in the 2014 report. Results of all council by-elections between the general elections in 2014 and 2018, as well as details of the elections in the four boroughs that directly elect a mayor, are also presented here. A commentary of the results, written by Professor Tony Travers of the London School of Economics, has been included to give readers an overview of the trends seen in these elections.
The borough elections took place on 3 May 2018 with a turnout of 39 per cent, the same as in 2014.
The number of candidates that stood for election fell to 6,554 (from 6,951 in 2014). The Conservatives won 511 seats, down 101 from 2014. Meanwhile, Labour made a net gain of 63 seats, takings its total to 1,123 – its highest since 1971. The Liberal Democrats won 154 seats,
making a net gain of 38 and turning around its fortunes after losing a net 163 seats between 2006 and 2014.
You can download the full report and access all of the data by clicking the links below: