Created 11 years ago, updated 2 months ago

This dataset provides information about earnings of employees who are working in an area, who are on adult rates and whose pay for the survey pay-period was not affected by absence.

Tables provided here include total gross weekly earnings, and full time weekly earnings with breakdowns by gender, and annual median, mean and lower quartile earnings by borough and UK region. These are provided both in nominal and real terms.

Real earnings figures are on sheets labelled "real", are in 2016 prices, and calculated by applying ONS’s annual CPI index series for April to ASHE data.

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is based on a sample of employee jobs taken from HM Revenue & Customs PAYE records. Information on earnings and hours is obtained in confidence from employers. ASHE does not cover the self-employed nor does it cover employees not paid during the reference period.

The earnings information presented relates to gross pay before tax, National Insurance or other deductions, and excludes payments in kind.

The confidence figure is the coefficient of variation (CV) of that estimate. The CV is the ratio of the standard error of an estimate to the estimate itself and is expressed as a percentage. The smaller the coefficient of variation the greater the accuracy of the estimate. The true value is likely to lie within +/- twice the CV.

Results for 2003 and earlier exclude supplementary surveys. In 2006 there were a number of methodological changes made. For further details goto :
The headline statistics for ASHE are based on the median rather than the mean. The median is the value below which 50 per cent of employees fall. It is ONS's preferred measure of average earnings as it is less affected by a relatively small number of very high earners and the skewed distribution of earnings. It therefore gives a better indication of typical pay than the mean.

Survey data from a sample frame, use caution if using for performance measurement and trend analysis
'#' These figures are suppressed as statistically unreliable.
! Estimate and confidence interval not available since the group sample size is zero or disclosive (0-2).

Furthermore, data from Abstract of Regional Statistics, New Earnings Survey and ASHE have been combined to create long run historical series of full-time weekly earnings data for London and Great Britain, stretching back to 1965, and is broken down by sex.

  Local Authority   Region
  Greater London