
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Department for Work and Pensions
HM Revenue & Customs
(2) - Updated 2 months ago
Earnings by Place of Residence, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Gross earnings per head: by place of residence from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), ONS. This data set provides information about earnings of employees who are living in an area, who are on adult rates and whose pay for the survey pay-period was not affected by absence. ASHE is based on a sample of employee jobs taken from HM Revenue & Customs PAYE records (177,000 returns in 2009). Information on earnings and hours is ... - Updated 2 months ago
Earnings by Workplace, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This dataset provides information about earnings of employees who are working in an area, who are on adult rates and whose pay for the survey pay-period was not affected by absence. Tables provided here include total gross weekly earnings, and full time weekly earnings with breakdowns by gender, and annual median, mean and lower quartile earnings by borough and UK region. These are provided both in nominal and real terms. Real earning... - Updated a year ago
Average Income of Tax Payers, Borough
HM Revenue & CustomsMean and Median Income (Personal incomes by tax year) from the Survey of Personal Incomes by HMRC. These are estimates based on a survey and should be treated with caution. They are based on the Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) an annual sample survey of HMRC records for individuals who could be liable to UK Income Tax. Further data on self-employment income, employment income, pension income and total tax are available from the HMRC w... - Updated 2 years ago
Employees earning below the London Living Wage (LLW)
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Percentage of respondents in work earning less than the London Living Wage (LLW) taken from the ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earning (ASHE). Data is provided by whether the employee is male or female and works full-time or part-time. Data is also provided by borough. Also includes employees earning below the UK Living Wage by region outside London. The minimum wage levels in each year are stated in the table. This dataset is on... - Updated 2 years ago
The rising cost of living and its effects on Londoners
Greater London Authority (GLA)This work looks at the spiralling cost of living and the challenges facing Londoners including the rising poverty levels in the capital. The latest update is dated August 2022. The report and public attitudes and behaviour charts (published 1 February 2022) were republished (7 April 2022) to correct a calculation error. This error was due to manual calculation. - Created 3 years ago
Health and Social Care Levy - Incidence on London Households
Greater London Authority (GLA)This note sets out GLA Economics’ illustrative estimate of the incidence on London households of the planned introduction of the Health and Social Care Levy from 2023/24 (preceded by an interim increase in national insurance contributions (NICs) in 2022/23). - Updated 5 years ago
ONS Model-Based Income Estimates, MSOA
Office for National Statistics (ONS)The small area model-based income estimates are the official estimates of average (mean) household income at the middle layer super output area (MSOA) level in England and Wales for 2011/12, 2013/14 and 2015/16. For 2015-16 the figures are average annual income. For 2013/14 and 2011/12 the figures are average weekly income. They are calculated using a model based method to produce the following four estimates of income using a combinati... - Updated 5 years ago
DWP Working-Age Client Group by Ward
Department for Work and PensionsAll people of working-age claiming benefits. Data presented here by gender, out-of-work group and those aged under 25. Figures under 500 are subject to high sampling variation and should be used with caution. The rates are calculated using resident working-age ONS population mid-year estimates (from NOMIS) The benefits totals come from DWP and are available from NOMIS. Other benefits data for small areas a... - Updated 5 years ago
Children in Poverty, Borough and Ward
HM Revenue & CustomsNumbers and percentages of children in poverty for Borough and London Wards (at 31 August each year). This Children in Low-Income Families Local Measure shows the proportion of children living in families in receipt of out-of-work (means-tested) benefits or in receipt of tax credits where their reported income is less than 60 per cent of UK median income. This measure provides a broad proxy for relative low income child poverty as set ... - Updated 5 years ago
Housing Benefit Claimants, Borough
Department for Work and PensionsHousing Benefit Caseload by month (each May since 2009), by age group, employment status and tenure.Housing Benefit claimant statistics are derived from the Single Housing Benefit Extract (SHBE). SHBE is compiled from monthly returns of housing benefit claimants from each individual local authority. Recording and clerical errors can occur within SHBE - for this reason, no reliance should be placed on very small numbers. Based on the Lo...