- Updated a month ago
Workforce Jobs
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Workforce Jobs (WFJ) is a quarterly measure of the number of jobs in the UK and is the preferred measure of the change in jobs by industry. It is a compound source that draws on a range of employer surveys, household surveys and administrative sources. WFJ is the sum of employee jobs measured primarily by employer surveys, self-employment jobs from the Labour Force Survey, and government-supported trainees and Her Majesty's Forces from ... - Updated 2 months ago
Earnings by Workplace, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This dataset provides information about earnings of employees who are working in an area, who are on adult rates and whose pay for the survey pay-period was not affected by absence. Tables provided here include total gross weekly earnings, and full time weekly earnings with breakdowns by gender, and annual median, mean and lower quartile earnings by borough and UK region. These are provided both in nominal and real terms. Real earning... - Updated 4 years ago
Workplace Employment by Industry, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Employment (workplace) by industry from the Business register and employment survey (BRES). This data excludes self-employed but includes proprietors Employment = employees + working proprietors. Working Proprietors are sole traders, sole proprietors, partners and directors. This does not apply to registered charities. Numbers have all been rounded to the nearest 100 Before the BRES first existed in 2009, the ABI collected employment da... - Updated 4 years ago
Workplace Employment by Public/Private Sector, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table showing numbers of people who work in an area by public/private sector and whether full-time or part-time. Data from Business Register Employment Survey (BRES, ONS) Employment is defined as employees plus working proprietors Figures may not add up due to rounding. Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand and to one decimal place. For example 2.4 is equal to 2,400 employment, and represents a figure in the range 2,350 - 2,449. ... - Updated 5 years ago
Workplace Employment by Sex and Status, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Numbers of jobs in an area by gender, and whether an employee or self-employed. This data shows the number of jobs, not the number of people. People with more than one job are counted more than once. Figures may not add up due to rounding. Figures are rounded to the nearest thousand. Percentages are rounded to one decimal place and were calculated on unrounded figures. Employees - An employee is anyone aged 16 years or over that an org... - Updated 9 years ago
Number of Businesses by Detailed Industry, 2, 3 and 4 Digit SIC
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Estimates of total businesses broken down by industry (2, 3, 4 digit SIC 2007 codes and industry section). Workplace data units from Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) for London and Great Britain. Data rounded to the nearest 100. Percentages calculated on unrounded data. An extract compiled from the Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR) recording the number of local units that were live at a reference date in March. Estimates can be... - Updated 9 years ago
Daytime Population, Borough
Greater London Authority (GLA)Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups. The figures given are an average day during school term-time. No account has been made for seasonal variations, or for people who are usually in London (resident, at school or working), but are away visiting another place. Sources include the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) (availab... - Created 10 years ago
2011 Census Key Findings Summaries
Census Information SchemeRelease-day summaries of key findings for the 2011 Census - Created 11 years ago
Place of Residence by Place of Work, Local Authority
Office for National Statistics (ONS)2011 Census origin-destination data showing location of usual residence by place of work for UK merged local authority districts. First table contains data for all local authorities, the second table contains London boroughs only, plus other regional totals. Table population is all usual residents aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census. In order to protect against disclosure of personal information, records have bee...