

- Updated 22 days ago
Lithium and Electric Vehicle fires
London Fire BrigadeFires involving lithium batteries are the fastest growing fire risk in London. This dataset provides a breakdown of all Electrical Vehicle and lithium-ion related fires from Calendar Year 2017 onwards: The first tab provides data on incidents The second tab provides figures on fatalities and injuries. The data is updated monthly, one month in arrears. The London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London and runs th... - Updated 22 days ago
London Fire Brigade Incident Records
London Fire BrigadeLondon Fire Brigade is the busiest fire and rescue service in the country and one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world. On this page, we publish details of every incident attended by the London Fire Brigade since 1 January 2009. Below is a dashboard that allows you to interact with this data and drill down to Ward or Postcode level. If you have any questions about this tool please email - Updated 22 days ago
Animal rescue incidents attended by LFB
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade attends a range of non-fire incidents (which we call 'special services'). These 'special services' include assistance to animals that may be trapped or in distress. We routinely get asked for information about the number of such incident attended by the London Fire Brigade and this data is published on the London Datastore to assist those who require it. The data is provided from January 2009 and isupdated mon... - Updated a month ago
Police Force Strength
Greater London Authority (GLA)Numbers of police officers, police civilian staff, and Police Community Support Officers in the Metropolitan Police Force. Figures are reported by MOPAC to the GLA's Police and Crime Committee each month. The figures are full-time equivalent figures (FTE) in order to take account of part-time working, job sharing etc, and do not represent a measure of headcount. For more information, click here and here. - Updated a month ago
London Reservoir Levels
Thames WaterTable showing daily Reservoir levels in London since 1989 as percentage of usable or deployable capacity in the Lower Lee Group and Lower Thames Group reservoirs. Usable or deployable capacity excludes water normally left in a reservoir for environmental or emergency contingency measures. View Environment Agency website - Updated a month ago
Number of Bicycle Hires
Transport for London (TfL)Total number of hires of the Santander Cycle Hire Scheme, by day, month and year. Data for each day since the launch on 30 July 2010. - Updated a month ago
Wandsworth Reduction and Recycling Plan
London Borough of Wandsworth (RRP)This is the Reduction and Recycling Plan (RRP) for the London Borough of Wandsworth. London Local authorities are developing their Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs) setting out key actions for cutting waste and boosting recycling for the period 2023 to 2025. The RRPs are used to drive and promote local activity that will also play an important role helping to achieve the Mayor’s London-wide targets to cut food waste by 50 per person ... - Updated a month ago
Registered Social Landlord Housing Stock
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Number of Registered Social Landlord dwellings. Note: from 2002 the figures in this table are not comparable to those in the main dwelling stock table because the stock figures from 2002 in this table include social rent bedspaces as well as social rent self-contained units; the main dwelling stock tables are based on self-contained units only. Data based on data collected by the Housing Corporation via the annual Regulatory and Statis... - Updated a month ago
Households on Local Authority Waiting List, Borough
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Number of households waiting for local authority housing. Local authorities sometimes maintain a common waiting list with the Housing Association/s in their district. However, no information is available where a Housing Association maintains a separate waiting list to the local authority. Direct comparisons between authorities' housing waiting lists can be misleading in particular because authorities have different arrangements for che... - Updated a month ago
London's Population of Young Children - Data Hubs - V2
GLA DemographyThe GLA recently published a briefing examining the demographic evidence around trends in the population of young children (age 0 to 10) in London, see London’s population of young children – current and future. These three new data hubs supplement the briefing by enabling users to access current data and trends at borough level. They are intended for those working in central, regional or local government, or in civil society, who need ...