Created 5 years ago, updated 3 months ago

This page provides a range of data about the staff who work for the London Fire Brigade. There is the LFB Human Resources (HR) Statistical Abstract which provides a range of data from 2014 onwards, and is updated quarterly. There are also bi-annual narrative People Services Performance Reports, which include a commentary about performance along with appendices containing the supporting data.

The data covers workforce composition, including senior management/top earners data, recruitment outcomes, leavers, sickness and absence (including levels of stress, anxiety and depression (SAD), grievance, discipline, and includes breakdowns for gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual identity (orientation) and age (where such data is available).

Data is shown for the organisation as a whole and by occupational group. Our occupational groups are:

  • Operational (firefighters and operational managers, 84% of the organisation)
  • Fire & Rescue Service staff (FRS staff) – non-uniformed support staff
  • Control - 999 call handlers and their managers.

The data will be updated quarterly or annually depending on the area.

Further information about our people can be found in Our Performance report, People and Resources section .

Pay gap data and action plans can be found here .