

- Updated 25 days ago
House Price per Square Metre in England and Wales
University College London (UCL)This house price per square metre dataset is created through complex address-based matching between the Land Registry’s Price Paid Data (LR-PPD) and property size information from the Domestic Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) data published by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC, formerly MHCLG). Details of the data linkage are published in the UCL Open: Environment along with the related linkage code vi... - Updated 25 days ago
Apprenticeship Statistics for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page presents analysis and data related to skills and employment in London Note on data sources and interpretation: The analysis is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. It is a snapshot analysis of key data as it pertains to London. The analysis does not represent the full body of evidence on which Mayoral Policies are, or will be, based. Outputs should be triangulated with other sources of information and analysis ... - Updated a month ago
Sub-regional Pupil Projections
GLA DemographyThis page contains input data sources and output projections for the Sub-regional Pupil Projections. The input data sources provided on this page are the school numbers data from the school census, at school-level, Local Authority level, and Subregion level (ITL Level 2). The births data used for these projections can be found here. The output projections are at Subregion, Region, and England level. They provide ten-year projections fro... - Updated a month ago
MPS Right of Access Performance Dashboard
Metropolitan Police ServiceThis report contains all Right of Access (Data Protection Act 2018) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since May 2018. In addition, there is information on Subject Access Requests (Data Protection Act 1998) received after 01/01/2015 up to the introduction of the 2018 Act. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015 onwards covering both the 1998 and 2... - Updated a month ago
MPS Freedom of Information Requests Dashboard Data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThis report contains all Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act 2000) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since January 2015. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015 onwards. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) recommend that organisations publish their own performance in answering Freedom of Information Requests on a quarterly b... - Updated a month ago
MPS Homicide dashboard data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Homicide dashboard is available here Homicide dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this data set running quarterly behind with quarterly update. What does it show and how was the content agreed? In English and Welsh law, Homicide consists of the sum of 4 separate offences: Murder (Common Law) * Manslaughter (sec 5 of the Offences Against The Person Act ... - Updated a month ago
Hillingdon Reduction and Recycling Plan
London Borough of Hillingdon (RRP)This is the Reduction and Recycling Plan (RRP) for the London Borough of Hillingdon. London Local authorities are developing their Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs) setting out key actions for cutting waste and boosting recycling for the period 2023 to 2025. The RRPs are used to drive and promote local activity that will also play an important role helping to achieve the Mayor’s London-wide targets to cut food waste by 50 per person ... - Updated a month ago
MOPAC Surveys
Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC)MOPAC conducts three ongoing surveys, providing a regular overview of how London residents experience and perceive the police. The Public Attitude Survey (PAS) - a survey of 19,200 London residents per year capturing a wide range of perception data. The User Satisfaction Survey (USS) - a survey of 9,600 victims of high volume crime about their experience of reporting a single incident to the police. The Telephone Digital Investigation ... - Updated a month ago
Use of Force Dataset
Metropolitan Police ServiceHistorical figures in this dataset are subject to change each month This is due to incident forms being filled in for incidents that have happened in past months Recording of Use of Force was introduced in April 2017. As such data prior to April 2017 is not comparable. Counting Rules Each row set represents use of force by an officer on one subject. This row set is not a count of incident . Where more than one offic...