Metropolitan Police Service
- Updated a day ago
MPS Stop and Search - More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS)
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Stop and Search – More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS) dashboard is available here More Thorough Searches Intimate Parts Exposed (MTIPS) Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, Datasets are updated monthly at the beginning of the month. Please note, this data runs until the end of the month prior. Definitions / Counting Rules Stop & Search - Wh... - Updated a day ago
MPS Stop and Search Dashboard Data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Stop and Search Dashboard is available here Stop and Search Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this dataset is updated monthly at the beginning of the month. Data runs until the end of the month prior. Definitions / Counting Rules Stop and Search (S&S) - When an officer stops a member of the public and searches them. The police can only detain members o... - Updated 2 days ago
MPS Recorded Crime: Geographic Breakdown
Metropolitan Police ServiceThis data counts the number of crimes at three different geographic levels of London (borough, ward, LSOA) per month, according to crime type. Data is available in two files for each level of geography - the most up to date data covering the last available 24 months only and one covering all historic full calendar years. In March 2019, the Metropolitan Police Service started to provide offences grouped by the updated Home Office crime ... - Updated 2 days ago
MPS Custody (Arrests, Disposals, Strip Searches)
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Custody (Arrests, Disposals, Strip Searches) dashboard is available here Custody Dashboard | Tableau Public, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this data set runs a month behind with monthly updates. Arrests Date criteria is based on Date of Arrest as first recorded on the Custody Record. A Custody Record is created when a person reaches a Custody Suite. Data contained only relates to... - Updated 5 days ago
MPS Monthly Crime Dashboard Data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Crime Dashboard is available here MPS Crime Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that datasets are updated monthly on the 6th of the month. Data runs until the end of the month prior. ***June 2024: The MPS monthly crime data-sets are now being extracted and compiled from the new CONNECT system within the MPS; these data-sets will have prefix M1045 added to the fi... - Updated 11 days ago
MPS Dedicated Ward Officer Abstractions and Strengths
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe Dedicated Ward Officer Abstraction dataset contains aggregated data to Team level, showing the number of minutes of abstractions for each team on a per month basis. The following fields are included in the dataset: · Month · BCU · Borough · Borough Code · Team · Abstracted from Duty · Abstraction Type · Abstracted Minutes Counting Rules: All Activity for Dedicated Ward Officers is qu... - Updated a month ago
MPS Right of Access Performance Dashboard
Metropolitan Police ServiceThis report contains all Right of Access (Data Protection Act 2018) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since May 2018. In addition, there is information on Subject Access Requests (Data Protection Act 1998) received after 01/01/2015 up to the introduction of the 2018 Act. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015 onwards covering both the 1998 and 2... - Updated a month ago
MPS Freedom of Information Requests Dashboard Data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThis report contains all Freedom of Information (Freedom of Information Act 2000) requests received by the Metropolitan Police Service and logged on our corporate logging system since January 2015. There is also information on Appeals and complaints from January 2015 onwards. The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) recommend that organisations publish their own performance in answering Freedom of Information Requests on a quarterly b... - Updated a month ago
MPS Homicide dashboard data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Homicide dashboard is available here Homicide dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that, this data set running quarterly behind with quarterly update. What does it show and how was the content agreed? In English and Welsh law, Homicide consists of the sum of 4 separate offences: Murder (Common Law) * Manslaughter (sec 5 of the Offences Against The Person Act ... - Updated a month ago
Use of Force Dataset
Metropolitan Police ServiceHistorical figures in this dataset are subject to change each month This is due to incident forms being filled in for incidents that have happened in past months Recording of Use of Force was introduced in April 2017. As such data prior to April 2017 is not comparable. Counting Rules Each row set represents use of force by an officer on one subject. This row set is not a count of incident . Where more than one offic...