London takes a look at its household bills February 12th, 2016 by Gareth Piggott Household Bills Survey London has recently been revealed as one of the least energy conscious regions in Great Britain. Statistics from the NatWest Household Bills Survey, reveal that Londoners have the lowest uptake of energy saving measures compared to any other region in Great Britain and are amongst one of the least likely regions to…
GLA Intelligence and Analysis Unit January 14th, 2016 by Gareth Piggott The Intelligence Unit sits at the heart of the GLA, providing the Mayor and the Authority with world class evidence and analysis which support the formation of policy and strategy in London; and developing the technology and people-driven narrative for London, the smart, innovative, digital city. We have published a short summary of our key…
Regional Well-Being Indicators January 12th, 2016 by Gareth Piggott A range of subjective well-being indicators that measure the respondents opinions using a score out of 10. The data source is the ONS Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, Well-Being Module, April, July and October, 2014. The data can be downloaded from the Datastore.
Health and Wellbeing of 15-year-olds (What About Youth Survey) January 6th, 2016 by Gareth Piggott Headline indicators from the What About Youth survey 2014, a survey designed to collect robust local authority (LA) level data on a range of health behaviours amongst 15 year-olds. Note that pupils from independent schools are not included in the survey. More detailed indicators, including breakdowns by gender, are available from the HSCIC website. Further…
Number of Properties in London December 14th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott This dataset from the Valuation Office Agency measures the total number of homes. The VOA collects various data about each property including council tax band, year property was built, and property type (eg house/flat and number of bedrooms). The visualisation below shows the number of homes in 2015, the change in number of homes since…
City-Wellness Atlas November 13th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Data viz by AnhTu Phuc Hoang uses data contained in the London Borough Profiles. It is described as an open-data intiative mapping municipal data on to mobile for the benefit of people to live even better in cities. Click on a red pin to reveal data about the area.
ONS Small Area Income Estimates October 22nd, 2015 by Gareth Piggott The small area model-based income estimates are the official estimates of weekly average (mean) household income at the middle layer super output area (MSOA) level in England and Wales for 2011/12. This Tableau report for a visualisation of this data including house price to household income ratio and a comparison with the GLA household income…
Daytime Population of London 2014 October 8th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott This data present the average daytime population on a weekday during term-time. The dataset is available on the datastore. The population of London swells to over 10 million people on an average day. Around 2 million people, or around a fifth, are in just three local authorities – Westminster, City of London and Camden. Nearly…
Indices of Deprivation 2015 Explorer October 7th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Department for Communities and Local Government published the 2015 Indices of Deprivation on 30 September 2015. The Indices of Deprivation are an important tool for identifying the most deprived areas in England. Along with the data DCLG also published an interactive explorer to enable simple geogaphical analysis of the data at Lower Super Output Area…
English Indices of Deprivation 2015 October 1st, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Deprivation in London is widespread, but not as dense as it was. Today, the Department for Communities and Local Government released the new English Indices of Deprivation. They are produced on a comparable basis for small areas throughout England. The map below shows how the new Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) ranks the areas within…
National Insurance Number Registrations of Overseas Nationals August 25th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Total number of registrations issued to adult overseas nationals entering the UK – National Insurance Number (NINo) registrations of overseas nationals show the number of migrants who register for a NINo during the year. While this data is a good measure of inflows of migrant workers from outside the UK, it does not measure outflows…
Open Data Companion August 17th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott THE PROBLEMS: With the growth of open data, a lot of open data technocrats, software developers, enthusiasts, and academia have become interested in its use (especially in such cases as datasets on government-spending, population, city infrastructure, transportation and other smart-city data). However, many of these interested individuals and organisations are not aware of the existence…
GLA Household Income Estimates July 30th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott In July 2015, the GLA published an update to the Household Income estimates. This data covers a range of geographies from Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) to UK regions. The full dataset can be downloaded from the London Datastore. The median household income for London in 2013/13 was £39,100, while the mean income was £51,770.…
House Prices 2014-2015 July 16th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott The latest house prices data from the Land Registry (LR) is visualised in the Tableau report below. The LR publish details of every house sale in England and Wales, including sale price, whether freehold/leasehold, type of property, and full postcode for example. The GLA uses the postcode to calculate, which administrative or statistical area e.g.…
Bromley Healthcare Community Appointments 2014/15 July 1st, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Appointment information from April 2014 to March 2015 for Bromley Healthcare major services. The dataset includes patient ages, gender, ethnic group, outcomes, number of appointments within the time period, reasons for discharge, number of patients seen by each healthcare professional and the location of those appointments.
Electricity Consumption in a Sample of London Households June 24th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Using SmartMeter technology, UK Power Networks gathered electricity use data for a sample of 5,567 London households between November 2011 and February 2014. Readings were taken every half hour. The Acorn group of each household is included in the data. The full raw data is available to download from the Datastore. Within the data set…
Connectivity Map June 23rd, 2015 by Gareth Piggott The interactive connectivity map is intended to assist the decision making of digital connectivity providers based on current availability and demand. Ofcom gathers data from the main fixed broadband Internet Service Providers (BT, KCOM, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media) on both their retail services and the services they provide to other ISPs as a wholesale…
Property Build Period June 18th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Data from the Valuation Office Agency on build period, or age of property, has been used to create 12 property build period categories. The report below uses Tableau to present some of this data at both MSOA and borough level. This geographical presentation highlights that a high proportion of the recently built dwellings (since 2010)…
Average Floor Area and Energy Rating by Borough June 15th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Average Floor Area Cartogram maps showing the average floorspace by borough for all properties, houses and flats added to the energy certificate register between Q1 2012 -Q1 2015. Houses include Bungalows, Flats include Maisonettes. The register records information about the certificates issued for buildings which have been newly constructed, sold or let. The same property can…
London Tube Station and Journey Stats June 8th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott London Tube Stats maps by Oliver O’Brien from UCL CASA data about how the London Underground is used – how many people use each station at various times of the day, and where they go once they are on the tube. The main view shows the entry/exit data, by time of day, for 2003-2012. Choosing…
2015 General Election Maps June 1st, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Below are some interactive maps of the parliamentary general election results from May 2015. The full source data for this is available on this page. Read our blog analysing the results of the election here.
Bus IT London May 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott BusIT is a website and mobile application developed by Chris Haynes of Lamplight Development to allow you to plan bus journeys around London. On the datastore are links to feeds of TFL Timetable Listings and Bus stop locations and routes.
The 2015 election – the numbers behind the result May 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott The result appears conclusive – the Conservatives won a majority with almost 51 per cent of the all seats available, up from 47 per cent in 2010. But a closer look at the results reveals some interesting trends both for the two main parties, and some impressive forward strides from the SNP, UKIP and the…
Citymapper Travel App May 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Citymapper is a transport app for some of the biggest cities in the world including London, New York, Paris and Berlin. It aims to make it as easy as possible for users to navigate cities, displaying useful information such as how much each transport method costs, the weather at a chosen destination and how many…
TfL Cycle Hire Live Docking Station Status May 10th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Created by Ben Baker this mashup shows the real-time status of all docking points in London, with streetview integration. Data is available from a TFL feed.
London Borough Comparison Tool from Natwest May 1st, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Natwest have created a tool that can quickly compare information on average property prices, crime rates, school ratings and more across all the boroughs of London. Click on the criteria, or click on a borough to view all the facts about that specific area. You can select and compare up to 3 boroughs at a…
Intelligent London May 1st, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Intelligent London is an interactive tool created by London Councils for analysing data on the education and skills of young Londoners. Intelligent London puts the latest data on the education and skills of young people, and presents it in an appealing way. It uses data analysis and visualisation techniques so that those with an interest…
London Cycling Census Map April 21st, 2015 by Gareth Piggott The ‘London Cycling Census Map‘ created by Oliver O’Brien from CASA contains traffic flow data for central London, which allows comparisons of movements of bicycles with other types of vehicle including cars, buses, taxis and lorries.
Tube Tongues Language Map April 20th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Tube Tongues, by Oliver O’Brien of CASA, maps the most popularly spoken language after English (based on 2011 Census aggregate tables released by the ONS, via NOMIS) but instead of examining the population living near each tube station, it looks at the population of each ward in London. There are 630 of these, with a typical…
Live Train Map for the London Underground April 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Matthew Somerville has created a visualisation to track London Tube trains in real time on a map showing all trains in real time on the London Underground. Train times are available from the TFL live feed.
Live Bicycle Hire Scheme Maps April 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Oliver O’Brien has created a visualisation showing a map of live Bike Share/cycle hires of London and other cities. These maps track bicycle usage every 10 minutes over the past 2 days.
Geodemographics of Housing April 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Geodemographics of Housing in Great Britain, a new visualisation in the style of Charles Booth’s map. Created by Oliver O’Brien from UCL CASA. These innovative maps present Indices of Deprivation 2010, and the Output Area Classication (OAC) data.
Interactive Map of Indices of Deprivation April 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott This interactive map of London created by James Trimble shows Indices of Multiple Deprivation data for 2010 (IMD 2010). Each of the domains are mapped at LSOA level over a Google maps background, and a local summary appears when an LSOA is selected.
Cycling in London Data Viz April 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Cycling and public transport data viz by Agnieszka Krajetzka.
Domestic Violence infographic March 19th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott This infographic about domestic violence was produced by Laker Legal.
Who wants to live forever? January 6th, 2015 by Gareth Piggott Increasing life expectancy has been one of the wonders of the last century. About a third of babies born today can expect to celebrate their 100th birthday. But improving life expectancy has less obvious impacts on many aspects of your life, for example, an increase in the state-pension age, people living longer in ill health,…
The Year of Open Data December 19th, 2014 by Gareth Piggott By Zack Gardner The Year of Open Data The coming year will see open data strategy as a focal point for businesses and the public sector writes @urbantide. The emphasis will shift from how it is collected to how it is analysed and visualised with more tools becoming available to facilitate its effective use, To try…
Call for Contributions – help us deliver London’s City Data Ecosystem! December 5th, 2014 by Gareth Piggott By Dr Catherine Mulligan Call for Contributions – help us deliver London’s City Data Ecosystem! Future Cities Catapult, Imperial College and the GLA Datastore have teamed up to further develop London’s city data ecosystem. It is no news that the GLA datastore provides some of the most comprehensive city data sets to London’s citizens and developer…
London: The Open Data Capital November 25th, 2014 by Gareth Piggott By Dr James Cheshire Throughout London’s history, its data have inspired innovative maps and visualisations from the likes of John Snow, William Farr, Charles Booth and Florence Nightingale, all of whom were truly pioneering in their communication of complex datasets throughout the 19th Century. A more recent and less well-known contribution to their legacy is…
Taking the temperature of London businesses November 11th, 2014 by Gareth Piggott By Joel Marsden, Economist, Intelligence Unit, Greater London Authority As the autumn winds whip around City Hall to mark an abrupt end to the Indian summer, results from the London Business Survey (LBS) allow us to take the temperature of London businesses. They provide a unique insight into the issues affecting business owners and managers…
The London Jigsaw App June 18th, 2014 by Gareth Piggott A dazzling new app for iPhone and iPad plays with London’s geography in ways that’ll have you gawping with delight. London Jigsaw scrambles up the prominent features of the capital; it’s your job to drag them back to their appropriate locations. Can you coax the 32 London boroughs (plus the City) to the correct corners…
A better way to measure household income in London May 21st, 2014 by Gareth Piggott London’s a city of huge contrast – particularly in terms of the income levels of its 3.4 million households. Here at City Hall, we know household income’s very hard to measure accurately. Household structures can be complex, and even if people are happy to disclose their yearly household income, they don’t always know the overall…
How do perceptions of society compare between London and Europe? July 30th, 2013 by Gareth Piggott The recently released European Quality of Life survey reveals a fascinating picture of how Londoners view their lives and society, and enables a comparison with other places in Europe. It is possible to compare London with other regions in Europe (called NUTS1 areas). The survey examines both objective and subjective aspects of quality of life,…
How can we explain levels of happiness and well-being of Londoners? May 8th, 2013 by Gareth Piggott Unemployment, poor health, loneliness, and poor access to housing – are these the reasons why Londoners have lower well-being? The Office for National Statistics have been measuring happiness and well-being of the population to gauge the progress of the country that goes beyond traditional measures of economic performance such as GDP. According to the latest…
London Ward Well-Being Scores – 2012 edition (Blog) October 16th, 2012 by Gareth Piggott These ward level well-being probability scores present a single combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Users can change the weighting of each indicator depending on how important they see each measure. Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being…
Free London Mapping Tool from GLA May 23rd, 2012 by Gareth Piggott Have you ever wanted to create a quick thematic map of London but lacked the GIS skills or software to do it yourself? The GLA Intelligence Unit have created some free mapping tools that allow the user to input their own borough data to create an instant map that can be copied over into Word…
Measuring Happiness and Well-being November 8th, 2011 by Gareth Piggott In November 2010, the Prime Minister asked the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to develop measures of general well-being that complement traditional measures of progress reporting such as GDP, in order to better understand the impact of public policy. The ONS are continuing to consult on the headline well-being indicators, and from April 2012 will…