Created 10 years ago, updated a year ago

Data shows the number of jobs and job density by borough.

The number of jobs in an area is composed of jobs done by residents (of any age) and jobs done by workers (of any age) who commute into the area.
Total jobs is a workplace based measure of jobs and comprises:
- employees (from the Annual Business Inquiry),
- self-employment jobs (from the Annual Population Survey), People who are self-employed in a second job are included in the self-employed totals.
- government-supported trainees (from DfES and DWP) and
- HM Forces (from MoD).

Job density is the number of jobs per resident of working age (male and female: 16-64). For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident of working age in the population.

More information on jobs available in Workplace Employment by Sex and Status, Borough and modelled estimates and projections of jobs are available in the GLA Employment Projections. These are considered to be the most accurate jobs estimates at borough level.

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