- Updated a month ago
Employment Rates
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number and percentage of residents aged 16-64 who are in employment by sex (000's) (seasonally adjusted), for rolling quarters since 1992 by region and country. The figures in this dataset are adjusted to compensate for seasonal variations in employment. Figures are released every month for rolling quarters. Data from ONS Table HI00. The data are taken from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Survey, produced by the Office for... - Updated 7 months ago
Jobs and Job Density, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Data shows the number of jobs and job density by borough. The number of jobs in an area is composed of jobs done by residents (of any age) and jobs done by workers (of any age) who commute into the area. Total jobs is a workplace based measure of jobs and comprises: - employees (from the Annual Business Inquiry), - self-employment jobs (from the Annual Population Survey), People who are self-employed in a second job are included in the... - Updated 5 years ago
Children in Out-of-Work Benefit Households, Ward and Borough
Department for Work and PensionsChildren in out-of-work benefit households by age and ward and borough. The numbers and percentages of children living in households where a parent or guardian claimed out-of-work benefits. Children of Working-age DWP Clients. Data represent a snapshot as at 31 May. Data represent the number of children dependent on a parent or guardian who is claiming one or a combination of the following out-of-work benefits: Income Support, Jobseeke... - Created 10 years ago
Commuting & Well-being in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)A report on the impact of method of travel and distance travelled to work on happiness, anxiety and well-being. The report compares Londoner's responses to the Annual Population Survey to those of workers im the rest of the UK. No datasheet is available for this report as the data were obtained from ONS on special licence and cannot be reproduced. - Created 10 years ago
2011 Census Labour Market & Qualifications
Census Information SchemeReports and data on the Labour Market and Qualifications