Greater London Authority (GLA)
Department of Health
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Census Information Scheme
GLA Opinion Research
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Greater London
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- Updated 5 days ago
Patients registered at a GP practice
Greater London Authority (GLA)Modelled counts of patients registered at a GP practice by single year of age (0-95+), sex, and local authority of residence. These modelled data contain information from NHS Digital, licenced under the current version of the Open Government Licence: Counts of patients by practice attended x sex x LSOA of residence - currently published quarterly Counts of patients by practice attended x sex x single year of age - currently published... - Updated 12 days ago
Integrated Care Systems London Housing Profile
GLA Health TeamThe Integrated Care Systems Housing Profile (ICS Housing Profile) is a resource that aims to support people working in ICSs and ICBs to understand, and work jointly with partners to mitigate and tackle the key housing-related issues that drive poor health in London. The ICS Housing Profile presents key housing data for London at sub-regional ICS geography and borough level. The data is presented across the three narrative themes of ho... - Updated 13 days ago
Housing and Health
GLA Health TeamDescription This data companion pack is a resource intended to frame and be read alongside the linked Evidence Review: Housing and Health Inequalities in London (available on the Institute of Health Equity website) . The resource provides intelligence and context on the housing and health inequalities in London only, while the accompanying rapid review of evidence for interventions contains the recommendations for action. This... - Updated 21 days ago
Bariatric incidents attended by LFB
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade attends a range of non-fire incidents (which we call 'special services'). These 'special services' include assistance to other emergency services, including sometimes help with moving larger (i.e. bariatric) patients/people. Although the LFB does not explicitly capture and classify these types of incidents, we are able to identify them via the messages that are transmitted during incidents. We routinely get as... - Updated 22 days ago
Animal rescue incidents attended by LFB
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade attends a range of non-fire incidents (which we call 'special services'). These 'special services' include assistance to animals that may be trapped or in distress. We routinely get asked for information about the number of such incident attended by the London Fire Brigade and this data is published on the London Datastore to assist those who require it. The data is provided from January 2009 and isupdated mon... - Updated 2 months ago
English language (ESOL) Planning Map
Greater London Authority (GLA)The ESOL Planning Map, first published in September 2021, is based on the English language proficiency dataset from the Census of 2021, specifically the 'little' or 'no English' categories (combined). It aims to support ESOL providers, funders, commissioners and policymakers with ESOL planning and policymaking. The map includes information on local ESOL providers funded via the Mayor’s Adult Skills Fund (ASF) and non-ASF ESOL provider... - Updated 2 months ago
London Health Inequalities Strategy Indicators
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Mayors Health Inequalities Strategy sets out his plans to tackle unfair differences in health to make London a healthier, fairer city. This dataset reports the 14 headline population health indicators that will be used to monitor London’s progress in reducing health inequalities over the next ten years. The themes of the indicators are listed below. The measures will monitor an identified inequality gap between defined populat... - Updated 2 months ago
Arbor meals data
Greater London Authority (GLA)Data is not routinely collected by the GLA on the take-up of meals offered through the London scheme. This decision was taken because it was felt to be too great an additional burden for schools in the context of a rapid roll out. Instead, GLA have sought to understand levels of take-up through a number of different sources. This has included work with the management information systems (MIS) provider Arbor, insights gathered through di... - Updated 2 months ago
Snapshot of Health Inequalities in London
GLA Health TeamWhile London tends to have better health outcomes than the rest of the UK, stark ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities remain. The Snapshot of Health Inequalities in London provides a high-level overview of major inequalities issues affecting Londoners with thematic packs on climate, children and young people, and the cost of living. This is a resource intended to inform health and non-health specialists. It will inform action on... - Updated 3 months ago
Survey of Londoners 2021-22
Greater London Authority (GLA)In 2018-19 the GLA first undertook a Survey of Londoners. At the time it provided vital evidence on Londoners that had never been collected before in such detail. In 2021-22, the GLA conducted another Survey of Londoners, following the same methodology as the Survey of Londoners 2018-19, an online and paper self-completion survey of adults aged 16 and over in London. The survey, which received responses from 8,630 Londoners, aimed to a...