Created 2 years ago, updated 6 months ago

According to the LAEI 2019, there are 160 Air Quality Focus Areas in London.

The Focus Areas are locations that not only exceed the EU annual mean limit value for NO2 but are also locations with high human exposure. They were defined to address concerns raised by boroughs within their Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) review process and forecasted air pollution trends.

This is not an exhaustive list of London’s hotspot locations, but where the GLA believe the problem to be most acute.

1. Supporting Information (.ZIP - 86KB) - Definition, methodology and list of focus areas LAEI 2016

2. GIS files (.ZIP - 44KB) - GIS geographies in ArcGIS and MapInfo formats.

3. Images (.ZIP - 78KB) - Maps with focus areas at both London and borough level.

Update 26 04 2023: Maps have been updated to show the latest symbology used in LAEI 2019

Definition, methodology and list of NO2 focus areas LAEI 2019

2. GIS files  (40.61 kB)

GIS geographies in ArcGIS and MapInfo formats

3.  (57.67 MB)

Maps with Focus Areas at both London and borough level