- Updated 23 days ago
Fires in London - cause of ignition is white goods
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade attend a number of fires each year where the ignition source of the fire is recorded as 'white goods' (e.g. washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator). This data sets provides details of such fires by London borough and ward location, and the type of white goods concerned as well as the property type where the fire happened. Where known, the brand and model of the white goods item is included, although this is ad... - Updated 10 months ago
London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2019 Air Quality Focus Areas
GLA and TFL Air QualityAccording to the LAEI 2019, there are 160 Air Quality Focus Areas in London. The Focus Areas are locations that not only exceed the EU annual mean limit value for NO2 but are also locations with high human exposure. They were defined to address concerns raised by boroughs within their Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) review process and forecasted air pollution trends. This is not an exhaustive list of London’s hotspot locations, but ... - Created 10 years ago
GVA per workforce job in London and the UK
Greater London Authority (GLA)GLA Economics calculations of GVA per workforce job, by Section and Division of the UK Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC07), for London and UK, attributable to the activities of the workforce. Regional data on GVA per Workforce Job by sector is also provided.