CLEVER Cities - London partners
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Cabinet Office
Census Information Scheme
London Borough of Hillingdon
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Smallest Geography
Street and Neighbourhood
Greater London
(1) - Updated a year ago
Community Life Survey - London summary
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Community Life survey is a household self-completion survey of adults aged 16+ in England. The survey provides evidence on social cohesion, community engagement and social action. This report summarises the results from the survey and provides comparisons between London and the rest of England. There are other surveys that provide more granular evidence on these topics within London, but this survey has been selected to provide a re... - Created a year ago
Southmere Park Tiny Forest Report (Nov '23)
CLEVER Cities - London partnersSouthmere Park Tiny Forest was planted by the Thamesmead community in February 2022 as part of the CLEVER Cities London project and has since been contributing to nationwide Tiny Forest Research. Through citizen science, Earthwatch Europe are studying the benefits that Tiny Forests can bring to the environment and the surrounding communities. Biodiversity; flood management; tree growth and carbon storage; thermal comfort; and people and... - Updated a year ago
CLEVER Cities Survey South Thamesmead
CLEVER Cities - London partnersCLEVER Cities is an EU funded international project which aims to regenerate cities with the strategic planning approach called "Nature-Based-Solutions (NBS)." It focuses on three main front-runner cities; London, Hamburg, and Milan, to learn from their hands-on experiences and local knowledge in implementing NBS approach. As part of the CLEVER Cities project, regenerations and improvements have been made and planned for South Thamesmea... - Updated 3 years ago
Community Safety Risks
London Fire BrigadeA live Power BI report that shows an overview of Community Safety metrics per London Borough (including fires as well as special service incidents). This report, which is updated daily, provides data to support the development of Community Safety Strategy Plans and helps to identify high risk key areas and monitor trends over time. If you have any questions about this tool please email - Updated 6 years ago
Country of Birth Ward Tools (2011 Census)
Census Information SchemeA set of tools created by the Census Information Scheme that allows users to explore data from 2011 Census Commissioned Table CT0226: Detailed Country of Birth by Ward. The excel tool allows users to explore the data in four different ways: Single Ward Table - a table of the top thirty countries of birth for the selected ward. Also produces a chart of same data. All Wards in Borough - a table of the top ten countries of birth in th... - Created 9 years ago
Regional Well Being Indicators
Office for National Statistics (ONS)The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey is a Face-to-face interview of individuals in households. Data is available for Government Office Regions. The data for these tables is from the Well-Being Module, April, July and October, 2014. They cover a range of subjective well-being indicators that measure the respondents opinions using a score out of 10. The questions analysed here are: 1 Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays... - Created 9 years ago
Community Strength Indicators, London
Cabinet OfficeOpinions of people aged 16 and over about their feelings of community strength and togetherness The survey tracks the latest trends and developments across areas key to encouraging social action and empowering communities. The objectives of the survey are to provide robust, nationally representative data on behaviours and attitudes within communities to inform and direct policy and action in these areas. The Community Life Survey in... - Updated 11 years ago
Hillingdon Open Data
London Borough of HillingdonThis package links to the London Borough of Hillingdon Open Data (beta) website. This contains open data about Hillingdon and the services that the local authority provides in XML and CSV formats. Data is grouped into the following categories Community and living Council and democracy Education and learning Environment and planning Health and social care Housing Leis... - Updated 11 years ago
European Quality of Life Survey
Greater London Authority (GLA)The European Quality of Life survey (EQLS) examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives, and how they feel about those circumstances, and their lives in general. It looks at a range of issues, such as employment, income, education, housing, family, health and work-life balance. It also looks at subjective topics, such as people's levels of happiness, how satisfied they are with their lives, and how they perceive...