Created 9 years ago, updated 9 years ago

Opinions of people aged 16 and over about their feelings of community strength and togetherness

The survey tracks the latest trends and developments across areas key to encouraging social action and empowering communities. 

The objectives of the survey are to provide robust, nationally representative data on behaviours and attitudes within communities to inform and direct policy and action in these areas.

The Community Life Survey incorporates a small number of priority measures from the Citizenship Survey, which ran from 2001-2011.

Questions included in this analysis:

  • How strongly do you belong to Britain
  • How strongly do you belong to your neighbourhood
  • Whether agree or disagree that people in this neighbourhood pull together to improve the neighbourhood
  • How often do you chat to any of your neighbours, more than to just say hello
  • Trust in people living in neighbourhood
  • Agree that local area is place where people from different backgrounds get on well together
  • How comfortable would you be asking a neighbour to mind your child(ren) for half an hour
  • Formal or informal or employer volunteering in the last 12 months
  • How often email or write to family members or friends
  • How often exchange text messages or instant messages with family members or friends
  • How often meet up in person with family members or friends

More information on the Cabinet Office website.
