The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey is a Face-to-face interview of individuals in households. Data is available for Government Office Regions.
The data for these tables is from the Well-Being Module, April, July and October, 2014.
They cover a range of subjective well-being indicators that measure the respondents opinions using a score out of 10.
The questions analysed here are:
1 Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?
2 Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile?
3 Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?
4 Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday?
5 Overall, how satisfied are you with your relationships with family, including spouse/partner?
6 Overall, how satisfied are you with your relationships with friends?
7 Overall, how satisfied are you with your physical health?
8 Overall, how satisfied are you with your mental well-being?
9 Overall, how satisfied are you with the well-being of your child/children?
10 Overall, how satisfied are you with your financial situation?
11 Overall, how satisfied are you with your work situation?
12 Overall, how satisfied are you with your commute to work?
13 How satisfied are you with the the time you spend on your paid work and on other aspects of your life?
14 To what extent do you feel most people can be trusted?
15 To what extent do you feel you have any relatives, friends or neighbours that you can ask for help?
16 On a scale of 0 to 10 how lonely do you feel in your daily life?
17 Overall, how satisfied are you with the local area where you live?
18 How satisfied are you with the public gardens/parks etc. in the local area where you live?
19 To what extent do you feel that you are involved in the local area where you live?
20 To what extent do you feel you belong in the local area where you live?
21 How safe would you feel walking alone in this local area after dark?
22 Overall, how optimistic do you feel about the next 12 months?
23 How satisfied are you with living in this country?
24 How optimistic are you about the future of this country?
The measures included in the table are:
Average score (out of 10)
% giving low score (0-3)
% giving high score (7-10)
Unweighted Base
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