Greater London Authority (GLA)
Department of Health
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Smallest Geography
Hospital Trust
Parliamentary Constituency
(1) - Updated 4 years ago
Migration indicators
Greater London Authority (GLA)Migration indicators from ONS and DWP. The table below details the sources of the datasets available and the dates of their next update. Migration Statistics Quarterly Report Statistical bulletins, ONS 26 November 2020 National Insurance numbers issued to overseas nationals, Stats-Xplore, DWP. 26 November 2020 Population Estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, ONS June 2021 Local area migration indicators s... - Created 9 years ago
Regional Well Being Indicators
Office for National Statistics (ONS)The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey is a Face-to-face interview of individuals in households. Data is available for Government Office Regions. The data for these tables is from the Well-Being Module, April, July and October, 2014. They cover a range of subjective well-being indicators that measure the respondents opinions using a score out of 10. The questions analysed here are: 1 Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays... - Updated 10 years ago
Global City Data
Greater London Authority (GLA)A range of indicators for a selection of cities from the New York City Global City database. Dataset includes the following: Geography City Area (km2) Metro Area (km2) People City Population (millions) Metro Population (millions) Foreign Born Annual Population Growth Economy GDP Per Capita (thousands $, PPP rates, per resident) Primary Industry Secondary Industry Share of Global 500 Companies (%) Unemployment Rate Povert... - Updated 10 years ago
London Parliamentary Constituency Profiles 2010
Greater London Authority (GLA)This report provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Westminster Parliamentary constituency in Greater London. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of the population in each area by combining a range of data on the population, diversity, households, life expectancy, council tax, crime, household income (paycheck), benefits, land use, education, business and deprivation. All data, relate to people who live ... - Updated 10 years ago
myhealthlondon Indicators
Department of HealthSeries of indicators underlying the myhealthlondon website. Information about outcome standards is also available. Each indicator is provided as a separate data file which can be found using the links below. Full metadata for the indicators are also available. Indicator 1 - One year cancer survival for lung cancer and breast cancer (Borough level) Indicator 2 - Identifying the prevalence of cancer (Borough level) ...