
- Created a year ago
Southmere Park Tiny Forest Report (Nov '23)
CLEVER Cities - London partnersSouthmere Park Tiny Forest was planted by the Thamesmead community in February 2022 as part of the CLEVER Cities London project and has since been contributing to nationwide Tiny Forest Research. Through citizen science, Earthwatch Europe are studying the benefits that Tiny Forests can bring to the environment and the surrounding communities. Biodiversity; flood management; tree growth and carbon storage; thermal comfort; and people and... - Updated a year ago
CLEVER Cities Survey South Thamesmead
CLEVER Cities - London partnersCLEVER Cities is an EU funded international project which aims to regenerate cities with the strategic planning approach called "Nature-Based-Solutions (NBS)." It focuses on three main front-runner cities; London, Hamburg, and Milan, to learn from their hands-on experiences and local knowledge in implementing NBS approach. As part of the CLEVER Cities project, regenerations and improvements have been made and planned for South Thamesmea... - Updated a year ago
CLEVER Cities: South Thamesmead Green Space Observation Data
CLEVER Cities - London partnersOver the course of the week of the 31st of August to the 5th of September 2021, the Clever Cities team was able to collect data based on the on the observations of the intensity and type of use in two open spaces in Thamesmead, South East London: Abbey Way and Southmere Square. Observations were made of both of these places at three different times during the day. While collecting data, the team made note of each person that entered ... - Updated a year ago
CLEVER Cities Community Researchers Baseline Report, 2021
CLEVER Cities - London partnersCLEVER Cities in South Thamesmead is a partnership between the Mayor of London, Peabody, Groundwork London, Young Foundation and Social Finance. The project is supported by The Social Innovation Partnership and its Community Research Programme. The Community Research Team spent November and December 2020 gathering data from local people about their experiences in Thamesmead over the last year. The team hosted 9 focus groups with 101 at... - Updated 2 years ago
Survey of Londoners 2018-19
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Mayor of London has placed a high priority on improving social integration, equality, diversity and inclusion, economic fairness and food security across the city. Recognising the need for better evidence in these areas to ensure that policy and programmes have maximum impact, the GLA conducted the Survey of Londoners in 2018-19, an online and paper self-completion survey of adults aged 16 and over in London. The Survey, which recei... - Updated 4 years ago
Social Integration Headline Measures
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Mayor is committed to measuring social integration in London. Providing evidence-based analysis of the state of social integration will allow him to shine a light on the whole city. Accompanying the Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, the Mayor published a set of measures tracking social integration in London. These measures were selected from existing high-quality datasets, such as large-scale central government su... - Updated 4 years ago
Prevalence of Childhood Obesity, Borough, Ward and MSOA
Department of HealthPrevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese children. The data covers children in Reception year (aged 4-5) and Year 6 (aged 10-11) There is the potential for error in the collection, collation and interpretation of the data (bias may be introduced due to poor response rates and selective opt out of larger children which it is not possible to control for). The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) does not i... - Updated 5 years ago
London Ward Well-Being Scores
Greater London Authority (GLA)These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared with the England and Wales average, which is zero. Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being according to these measures. Users can adjust the weight of each indicator depending... - Updated 5 years ago
Green Infrastructure Focus Map
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Green Infrastructure Focus Map is a new tool and evidence base to help London’s decision-makers identify where green infrastructure improvements and investments might be best targeted, and what kind of interventions might be most useful for the needs of a specific area. The Green Infrastructure Focus Map can help: identify where there is more need or less need for green infrastructure interventions describe which specific environ...