- Updated 8 months ago
London Fire Brigade senior staff - gifts and hospitality register and expenses claimed UPDATED
London Fire BrigadeDetails of senior London Fire Brigade staff expenses claims and register of gifts and hospitality. Please note that postholders in the office shown in the data (e.g. Commissioner, Director) will change over time. It should not be assumed that historic data relates to current postholders; details of current postholders in the LFB top management structure are available here on the LFB website. Senior staff are defined as those designated ... - Updated a year ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2022/23
London Fire BrigadeAs part of budget guidance, the Mayor asks that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring. The aim is that this information is available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. The London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London, and the LFC runs the London Fire Brigade. - Updated 3 years ago
LFB electronic Purchasing Card Solution (ePCS) transactions
London Fire BrigadePayments (of any value) using electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS); the ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC), made by the London Fire Brigade as required to be published by the government's Local Government Transparency Code 2015. Data is published quarterly. LFB does not currently make extensive use of the ePCS. The London Fire Commissioner is the fire authority for Greater London and runs the London Fire Briga... - Updated 6 years ago
LFB payments over £250 - 2018/19
London Fire BrigadeThis dataset is for 2018/19 only. 2017/18 is available here and 2016/17 and earlier years are available here . Data for 2019/20 is available here. Payments over £250 made by the London Fire Brigade* as part of the government and Mayor of London's transparency agenda. As of November 2012 the threshold for expenditure changed from £500 to £250 at request of the Mayor. The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires the data to indica... - Updated 6 years ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2017/18
London Fire BrigadeAs part of his budget guidance for 2018/19, the Mayor requested that the LFEPA/LFB publish financial and performance monitoring for the 2017/18 year, and that this information should be available on our external website within 35 working days after each quarter end. The Mayor's budget guidance to LFEPA for 2018/19 can be found in a report to the LFEPA Resources Committee on 22 June 2017 (Report FEP2733). Prior to governance changes on 1... - Updated 7 years ago
LFB payments over £250 - 2017/18
London Fire BrigadeThis dataset is for 2017/18 only. Earlier years are available here. Payments over £250 made by the London Fire Brigade* as part of the government and Mayor of London's transparency agenda. As of November 2012 the threshold for expenditure changed from £500 to £250 at request of the Mayor. The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires the data to indicate VAT for payments which cannot be recovered; there are no such payments for ... - Updated 7 years ago
LFB/LFEPA payments over £250 - 2016/17 and earlier years
London Fire BrigadeThis is histoirc data for 2016/17 and earlier years. Later years are published separately. This dataset is not updated. Payments over £250 made by the London Fire Brigade (LFEPA) as part of the government and Mayor of London's transparency agenda. As of November 2012 the threshold for expenditure changed from £500 to £250 at request of the Mayor. The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires the data to indicate VAT for payments... - Updated 9 years ago
School Revenue, Borough
Department for EducationSchool level revenue balances for all local authority maintained schools by local authority. These tatistics describing the total revenue balances (showing both committed and uncommitted revenue balances) and also the total revenue balances as a proportion of the total revenue income for LA maintained schools. Tables from 1990/00 onwards available on Department for Education website. A schools total revenue income for the year includ... - Updated 11 years ago
Waltham Forest - Council Transparency
Waltham ForestWaltham Forest's dedicated page for publishing council transparency data. Includes information on organisation structure, payscales and expenditure over £500. Relevant link: http://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/Pages/index.aspx - Updated 11 years ago
TfL Expenditure Over £500
Transport for London (TfL)The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has endorsed an initiative by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to promote transparency in the public sector by publishing all expenditure over £500. These reports are available in both comma delimited format (CSV) and portable document format (PDF), and are listed on the Transport for London website. This excludes items in accordance with exemptions ...