- Created 2 years ago
London Business Survey 2022
Greater London Authority (GLA)In 2014 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) designed the London Business Survey (LBS), on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA. In 2021 the GLA requested an alternative to the London Business Survey, to provide a snapshot of businesses in London without the use of a bespoke survey. As such the ONS - London team has compiled various published datasets from multiple sources into a singular workbook. It is important to ... - Created 9 years ago
London's exports estimates (2015)
Greater London Authority (GLA)GLA Economics estimates of London's exports by sector over time based on the UK level service exports from the Pink Book 2014, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) goods exports and GLA Economics modelling. Additional data sources to inform GLA Economics modelling include 'GVA per Workforce Job in London and the UK' and the 'London Business Survey 2014'. - Updated 12 years ago
London's Food Exports
HM Revenue & CustomsRegional Trade Statistics Custom tables, UK Trade info from HMRC. Key Points: 1) In the decade to 2011, the value of London’s food exports rose by £0.7 billion to £1.8 billion. As a share of all goods exported from the capital, food’s share has remained stable at around 5 per cent. 2) The value of beverage exports make up the largest proportion of London’s food exports, which at £821.4 million made up 46 per cent of all London food ...