- Updated 2 years ago
Top Languages Spoken in London Boroughs and MSOAs
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset is now out of date: it shows the most spoken languages by borough and MSOAs in London based on 2011 Census. Up to date data are now available from 2021 census but have so far been published only for London boroughs not wards, MSOAs, or local areas. A report on Languages spoken and English proficiency in London is here. - Updated 4 years ago
GLA Population Projections - Custom Age Tables
Greater London Authority (GLA)This Excel based tool enables users to query the raw single year of age data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Each year the GLA demography team produce sets of population projections. The full raw data by single year of age (SYA) and gender are available as Datastore packages at the links below. How to use the t... - Updated 5 years ago
London Ward Well-Being Scores
Greater London Authority (GLA)These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared with the England and Wales average, which is zero. Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being according to these measures. Users can adjust the weight of each indicator depending... - Created 10 years ago
Workday Population by Sex and Age, Borough and Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Census 2011 Workday Population by five year age band and sex, by country, region, local authority, and ward.From Census Table WD1101EW - Sex by Age (Workday population)Workday population is All usual residents who are either in employment in the area, or not in employment but live there. - Created 11 years ago
Place of Residence by Place of Work, Local Authority
Office for National Statistics (ONS)2011 Census origin-destination data showing location of usual residence by place of work for UK merged local authority districts. First table contains data for all local authorities, the second table contains London boroughs only, plus other regional totals. Table population is all usual residents aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census. In order to protect against disclosure of personal information, records have bee... - Updated 11 years ago
Census 2011 Population by Age, UK Districts
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table shows estimates of resident population by 5 year age band from the 2011 Census of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England Wales local authorities, counties and regions, plus districts of Scotland and Northern Ireland and total UK population are included. 1) For the 2011 Census, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on census day 2011, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period o... - Updated 11 years ago
Custom Age Tool for 2011 Census Population, Borough and Ward
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Excel Age-Range creator for 2001 and 2011 Census population figures. This Excel-based tool enables users to query the single year of age raw data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Simply select the lower and upper age range for both males and females and the spreadsheet will return the total population for the ... - Updated 11 years ago
Better Environment, Better Health - Guides for London Boroughs
Greater London Authority (GLA)Improving the local environment can help improve health and wellbeing. The GLA have produced a bespoke guide for each London borough highlighting how positive changes to the environment help support better health. The Better Environment, Better Health guide offers tailored information on seven important environmental factors that can impact on residents’ health. These factors are green spaces, active travel and transport, surface water... - Created 11 years ago
Detailed Country of birth (2011 Census), Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Detailed Country of birth, by borough from the 2011 Census. Most detailed country of birth (274 countries), by borough. Data taken from 2011 Census Commissioned table CT0048 (ONS). Source: 2011 Census (27 March). File contains two tables of the same data with boroughs arranged down the side and along the top. Visualise the data in this Instant Atlas report. Similar data to this at ward level is available in this census tool.