

- Updated 5 days ago
Labour Market Analysis of London’s Priority Sectors
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page presents a labour market analysis related to each of the Mayor of London’s priority sectors. Each report explores a different economic sector in detail by bringing together data from a wide-range of sources. An FAQ guide has also been published alongside these reports to help users navigate their contents. When using outputs from this analysis it is important to be aware of the following caveats: The analysis is not int... - Updated 6 days ago
VAT Enterprises by Turnover Size, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number of businesses by turnover size band. The 2008 publication has been enhanced to include enterprises based on PAYE employers that are not also registered for VAT, extending the scope from the previous VAT based enterprise publication. This is a major change to the scope of the publication. The increase in units is most noticeable in the VAT-exempt industries of finance (J), education (M), health (N) and public administration (L, O ... - Updated 6 days ago
London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI)
Greater London Authority (GLA)The London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) is an emissions inventory which quantifies greenhouse gas emissions released to the environment from activities in London. It also quantifies emissions removed through Land Use, Land Change and Forestry sector activities. It is produced on an annual basis to measure progress against the Mayor's emissions reduction targets for London. The inventory provides emissions in the following... - Updated 7 days ago
MPS Monthly Crime Dashboard Data
Metropolitan Police ServiceThe data used in the MPS Crime Dashboard is available here MPS Crime Dashboard | Metropolitan Police, along with the related data definitions. Please note that datasets are updated monthly on the 6th of the month. Data runs until the end of the month prior. ***June 2024: The MPS monthly crime data-sets are now being extracted and compiled from the new CONNECT system within the MPS; these data-sets will have prefix M1045 added to the fi... - Created 10 days ago
PLD - Live PBSA units
PLD - Borough Data GroupThis report shows the proposed student bedrooms (PBSA) that are currently live within the planning system. The data is taken from the Planning London Datahub. - Updated 10 days ago
Rough sleeping in London (CHAIN reports)
Greater London Authority (GLA)Information These published reports present information from the multi-agency database Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN), about people seen rough sleeping by outreach teams in London. CHAIN, which is commissioned and funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and managed by Homeless Link, represents one of the UK’s most detailed and comprehensive sources of information about rough sleeping. Services that rec... - Updated 11 days ago
Gas Consumption, Borough
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Gas consumption - Sales by sector. Numbers broken down into: domestic consumers, commercial and industrial consumers, all consumers and sales per consumer. Power station usage is not included. Estimates of gas consumption at local authority levels using data at meter-point level from the re-structured gas distribution network. The methodology for collecting the data changed in 2004. The older series are based on the National Grid's post... - Updated 11 days ago
GLA Code of Statistics
Greater London Authority (GLA)This timetable shows the advance publication dates of statistics published by the GLA Group under voluntary application of the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice. List of GLA Group Statistics This document lists statistics published by the GLA Group under voluntary application of the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice. Advanced Publication Timetable This timetable shows the advance publication dates of statistics publi... - Updated 11 days ago
London's Economy Today
Greater London Authority (GLA)The most up-to-date information on London's economy, published by email every month. Each issue includes an overview of current economic conditions, the latest indicators and a supplement on a significant issue facing London. Additional data from the latest edition of London’s Economy Today can be found here on the Datastore. Sign up to receive London's Economy Today every month. HOUSING INDICATORS The Land Registry house price index ... - Updated 11 days ago
GLA Poll results for press releases and public statistics
GLA Opinion ResearchThe GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. This page provides the supporting evidence from the GLA polls used in responding to questions to the Mayor.