- Updated 3 months ago
Local Authority Collected Waste Management, London
Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsThese datasets contain the annual results for local authority collected waste in London and England. Local authority collected waste statistics from the quarterly reporting to WasteDataFlow. Data in this table shows Local Authority, London and England data. Information on the median cost of different types of waste management is also included. http://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/environment/publications/the-mayors-waste-management-st... - Updated 5 months ago
Household Waste Recycling Rates, Borough
Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsTable shows the proportion of collected household waste which is recycled or composted. Figures for 2004/5 were taken from the London Councils organisation as the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) do not list complete LA level statistics for this year. From 1998/99 to 2003/04 estimates for household waste recycling (including composting) rates are based on data supplied to the annual DEFRA Municipal Waste Manage... - Updated 5 months ago
Fly-tipping Incidents
Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsNumber of recorded fly-tipping incidents by action and prosecutions taken. Revision made to 2022/23 data in column F. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fly-tipping-in-england-annual-statistics https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/env24-fly-tipping-incidents-and-actions-taken-in-england - Updated 2 years ago
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Waste Strategy
GLA Infrastructure Coordination ServicePlease note document "6.5 LBTH Landlord Data v2.0.xlsx" has not been uploaded to this datastore page. Contact Planning.ICS@london.gov.uk to request access. - Updated 5 years ago
London's Zero Carbon Energy Resource - Secondary Heat
Greater London Authority (GLA)These datasets accompany the London Secondary Heat Study (2013) and provides an understanding of the technical potential (available heat) and deployment potential (delivered heat) of eleven key secondary heat sources in London. The accompanying reports are available on the GLA website. Data available for Middle Super Output Areas (MSOA). - Updated 10 years ago
Wandsworth Open Data
London Borough of WandsworthOpen data for London Borough of Wandsworth. Monthly reports detailing council expenditure over £500 and geocoded information about the location of various facilities within the Borough. - Updated 11 years ago
Waste Re-use Centres
Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsNumber of Re-Use Centres and their activity by weight - tonnes of furniture, appliances and IT equipment reused. Research was conducted between October 2007 and March 2008 by London Community Recycling Network (London CRN) and London Remade Solutions.