Created 11 years ago, updated 9 months ago

Table shows the proportion of collected household waste which is recycled or composted.

Figures for 2004/5 were taken from the London Councils organisation as the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) do not list complete LA level statistics for this year.

From 1998/99 to 2003/04 estimates for household waste recycling (including composting) rates are based on data supplied to the annual DEFRA Municipal Waste Management Survey.

From 1998/99 to 2001/02 figures revised since previous publication. Recycling/composting rates for 1998-99 were first published in Annex A of "Guidance in Municipal Waste Management Strategies" published by DEFRA in March 2001 and 1999/00 rates in Annex B of the consultation paper on "Distribution of the £140 Million Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund", available from

The recycling rate is calculated as set out below.

For Waste Collection Authorities (WCA) and Unitary Authorities (UA):
X/Y x 100, where:
X = Tonnage of household waste collected by the WCA or UA which is sent for recycling/composting (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling)
Y = Total tonnage of household waste collected by the WCA or UA (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling)

For Waste Disposal Authorities (WDA):
X/Y x 100, where:
X = Tonnage of household waste collected by the WDA which is sent for recycling plus tonnage of household waste which is sent for recycling by the constituent WCAs (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling)
Y = Total tonnage of household waste collected at Civic Amenity sites by the WDA plus total tonnage of household waste collected by constituent WCAs (including private/voluntary collections of household waste for recycling)

Annual Results for Local authority collected waste management published by are available here.

For more Local Authority Waste and Recycling Information visit the WRAP Portal. The site is accessible to the public but does require registration on the first visit.

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