
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
London Fire Brigade
Census Information Scheme
Metropolitan Police Service
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Smallest Geography
Local Authority
Greater London
Point Location
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- Updated 2 years ago
2021 census wards qualifications health disability and care
Census Information Scheme - Updated 2 years ago
2021 census wards housing
Census Information SchemeData for 2011 and 2021 for wards in London - Updated 2 years ago
2021 census wards ethnicity language identity religion
Census Information Scheme - Updated 2 years ago
British National (Overseas) statistics
GLA DemographyThis briefing summarises trends in applications for the (BN(O) route since it was introduced on 31 January 2021 until the end of March 2023. - Updated 2 years ago
National Insurance number (NINo) allocations statistics
GLA DemographyThis briefing summarises trends in National Insurance number applications from London residents since 2016. It examines the most frequent nationalities represented in recent data, and compares these nationalities with those applying from the whole of the UK. - Updated 2 years ago
European Union Settlement Scheme (EUSS) statistics
GLA DemographyThis report summarises trends in new applications for the EUSS, outcomes from applications, the most frequent nationalities of London residents applying, and the distribution across London of number of applications and major origin nationalities. - Updated 2 years ago
Asylum Application statistics
GLA DemographyThis report summarises trends in new applications for asylum to the UK, and the numbers of outstanding applications. - Updated 2 years ago
Domestic Migration
GLA DemographyThe Covid-19 pandemic impacted both domestic and international migration patterns. This briefing is intended to provide a summary of pre-pandemic domestic migration relating to London, to provide a baseline against which new data can be compared. The Office for National Statistics provide annual data on internal migration moves into and out of each local authority in England and Wales, and for this report we used the data for the yea...