Created 2 years ago, updated 2 years ago

At the April 2023 meeting of the Population Statistics User Group, the GLA Demography team presented an overview of currently available sources of population estimates for the previous decade, namely:

The slides from the presentation are published here together with packages of comparison plots for all local authority districts and regions in England to allow users to easily view some of the key differences between the sources for their own areas.

The plots also include comparisons of the Dynamic Population Model's provisional 2022 estimates of births with the modelled estimates of recent births produced by the GLA.

Presentation from the April 2023 meeting of the Population Statistics User Group that provides an overview of available population estimates.  (60.32 MB)

Comparison plots for London local authorities and region. Plots are labelled by their geographic code - a csv lookup of codes and names is available to download from this page.

Comparison plots for all other local authorities and regions in England. Plots are labelled by their geographic code - a csv lookup of codes and names is available to download from this page.

A lookup of standard geographic codes and names (2021 boundaries)