This spreadsheet summarises of the key travel patterns and trends relating to the TFL network and Airports around London.
Some of the borough level data has been analysed using these interactive charts. Click on the image to open.
The first stack graph shows the spread of mode of travel for each borough. In Kensington and Chelsea over 44 per cent of journeys are made on foot, in Bexley 59 per cent of journeys are in a car/motorcycle, and in Hackney over a 25 per cent of journeys are by bus.
The second graph shows the proportion of all road casualties by road user type and borough in 2010. The City of London has the highest proportion of casualties for pedestrians, and cyclists.
Some of the airports data has been presented in this one page factsheet that highlights some important facts about flights and passengers at London’s airports. The number one country where people have either come from or going to is the United States.
List of tables included in the spreadsheet:
1 Aggregate travel volumes in Greater London. Estimated daily average number of journey stages, 1993-2009
2 Modal shares of daily journey stages in London, 2009
3 Annual passenger kilometres travelled by public transport (millions), London, 2008/09 - 2010/11
4 Annual journey stages by public transport (millions), 1991/92 - 2010/11
5 Index of London road traffic, major and minor roads, all motor vehicles, 2000-2009
6 Trends in road casualties, by personal injury severity, London and GB, 1991-2010
7 London road casualties by mode of travel, 2010
8 Trends in cycle flows on the TLRN, annualised indices, 2000/01 - 2010/11
9 People entering central London in the weekday morning peak, 1978 - 2009
10 Car ownership in Inner and Outer London, 2009/10
11 Hours of serious and severe disruption London-wide, 2009/10
12 Number of road works undertaken on the TLRN, Sep 2009 - Oct 2010
13 London Underground: scheduled and operated train kilometres, 1995/96 - 2009/10
14 London Underground - operated train kilometres (millions) by line, 2009/10
15 Average number of passengers per bus, train or tram, 2001/02 - 2009/10
16 Public transport fares - UK and London compared, 1994/95 - 2009/10
17 Air freight moved through London's principal airports, 1993 - 2009
18 Terminal passengers by London area airport, in millions, 2000, 2010
19 Terminal passengers by London area airport, 1990 - 2010
20 Terminal passengers by flight's country of origin or destination, 2010
21 Road Casualties by Severity and Road User Type, by Borough 2010
22 Data used in the Interactive Chart
- Number of trips, distribution of trips by mode and average travel time from home to work, 2007/2008 to 2009/10 (3-year moving average)
23 Data used for Air Transport Factsheet
- International terminal passengers at London airports, 2010
- All terminal passengers at London airports, in millions, 2000, 2010
- Terminal passengers at London airports by origin or destination of the flight, 2010
- Number of UK flights and passenger by London airport, 2010
Most data is from the annual report Travel in London 3, Transport for London. Further information, reports and data from the Travel in London series can be found on the TFL website.
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