Employment and Skills
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Transport for London (TfL)
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Greater London Authority (GLA)
Department for Transport
London Borough of Newham
Smallest Geography
Local Authority
Greater London
Point Location
(1) - Updated 5 months ago
Public Transport Journeys by Type of Transport
Transport for London (TfL)Number of journeys on the public transport network by TFL reporting period, by type of transport. Data is broken down by bus, underground, DLR, tram, Overground and cable car. Period lengths are different in periods 1 and 13, and the data is not adjusted to account for that. Docklands Light Railway journeys are based on automatic passenger counts at stations. Overground and Tram journeys are based on automatic on-carriage passenger co... - Updated 7 months ago
Cycle Hire availability
Transport for London (TfL)This TfL feed contains the name, location, co-ordinates and maximum number of docking points for all operational Santander Cycle Hire docking stations. It also contains the number of available bikes (excluding locked or faulty bikes), and number of available docking points. Documentation is available from the TfL Unified API - Updated 3 years ago
Cycle Flows on the TFL Road Network
Transport for London (TfL)This dataset will no longer be updated. Cycle flows on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). The purpose of this indicator is to assess the level of cycle use on the TLRN. The overall ambition is to increase cycling levels by 400% such that by 2025 cycling will equate to a 5% mode share of all journey trips. This indicator does not represent cycling across London as a whole, It only represents cycling on the 5% of London’s road... - Updated 5 years ago
Walking and Cycling by Borough
Department for TransportTable showing proportion of residents who walk for at least 30 minutes at a given frequency, and proportion of residents who cycle (any length or purpose) at a given frequency, by local authority and region. 1 Results are grouped according to the area where respondents live, which may not be the same as the area where they walk or cycle. 2 "Cycle" in this table refers to any cycling, irrespective of length or purpose. "Walk" in this ta... - Updated 5 years ago
Newham Local Information System
London Borough of NewhamNewham Info is the London Borough of Newham's Local Information System and provides a selection of data about various topics. These include: pupil performance on key stage indicators in the local area estimated healthy life expectancy for the local and comparator areas notifiable offences recorded by the police primary methods of travel to work across the local and comparator areas wheth... - Updated 6 years ago
Place of Residence by Place of Work, Region
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table to show all people in work in the UK by their place of residence and place of work (main job). The data helps to show commuting patterns since 2004. Matrix shows where workers commute from (residence) and to (workplace). Commuting data from the Annual Population Survey 2010 has been presented here using Prezi software. How does London get to work? Commuting in London on Prezi. - Updated 10 years ago
TfL Bus Stop Locations and Routes
Transport for London (TfL)TfL's operates one of the largest bus networks in the world consisting of over 19,000 bus stops and approximately 700 routes served by some 8000 buses daily. This datafile defines the network in terms of routes and stops and stop-sequences allowing third parties to accurately locate bus stops and to plot bus routes and services. Find out more about the feeds available from Transport for London. The live data is only available followin... - Created 10 years ago
Place of Residence by Place of Work, Local Authority
Office for National Statistics (ONS)2011 Census origin-destination data showing location of usual residence by place of work for UK merged local authority districts. First table contains data for all local authorities, the second table contains London boroughs only, plus other regional totals. Table population is all usual residents aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census. In order to protect against disclosure of personal information, records have bee... - Updated 11 years ago
Travel Patterns and Trends, London
Greater London Authority (GLA)This spreadsheet summarises of the key travel patterns and trends relating to the TFL network and Airports around London. Some of the borough level data has been analysed using these interactive charts. Click on the image to open. The first stack graph shows the spread of mode of travel for each borough. In Kensington and Chelsea over 44 per cent of journeys are made on foot, in Bexley 59 per cent of journeys are in a car/motorcyc... - Updated 11 years ago
London Underground Signals Passed at Danger
Transport for London (TfL)The number of signals passed at danger by London Underground or on London Underground's infrastructure. The number of signals passed at danger are reported, with details of the line, location, date of occurrence, the delay (minutes) incurred to the service and a brief description of the incident. The TfL Group Health Safety Report is available in the TfL Publications and Reports webpage. This includes a report on signals passed at dan...