The Zip folder contains a range of key GIS boundary files for ESRI and Map Info covering Greater London.
The folder includes:
- Output Area (OA) 2011,
- Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) 2004 and 2011,
- Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) 2004 and 2011,
- London Wards (two files: City of London merged into single area and split into seperate wards). There are separate download file for 2014 & 2018 boundaries.
- London Boroughs
Note: The OA to MSOA boundaries have been generalised to reduce file size/loading time.
On maps created using these boundaries the copyright must be stated. This is: "Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right [2015]" and "Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [2015]"
For more information about boundary data sharing read these Terms and Conditions of Supply.
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