- Updated 4 months ago
Statistical GIS Boundary Files for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Zip folder contains a range of key GIS boundary files for ESRI and Map Info covering Greater London. The folder includes: - Output Area (OA) 2011, - Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) 2004 and 2011, - Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) 2004 and 2011, - London Wards (two files: City of London merged into single area and split into seperate wards). There are separate download file for 2014 & 2018 boundaries. - London Boroughs Note: The OA to... - Updated 9 years ago
London Borough of Southwark Parking Bays
London Borough of SouthwarkExtent of parking and loading bays on the highway maintained at public expense by Southwark. The data is made up of polygon features. Tabular information includes the type of parking bay, approximate amount of spaces, days and times of operation. The data has been derived from OS MasterMap and is approved by the OS under a "presumption to publish" agreement for publication under Open Government Licence (OGL 3.0). The data is also publi...