Created 14 years ago, updated 11 years ago

Data from the 2008 Annual School Census shows for the first time the distribution of different languages spoken in London. 2008 represents the first year in which this data was available for all state schools.

Borough data (Excel)

Data for all languages above a threshold of 50 across London are presented at borough level. Numbers are rounded to ten. Percentages are rounded to 0.1.

Note: Within 'Others' there was at least one speaker from 118 different languages.

MSOA data (Excel)

Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) data is shown in the spreadsheet by the range which it belongs to in the map. Due to restrictions on use of the data, it is not possible to distribute the actual numbers (rounded or unrounded) down to MSOA level.

Interactive Maps

Data for both Borough and MSOA level are shown in the same map. To switch between the two geographies click on the 'choose geography' button at the top left of the screen.

Then choose a language under the 'most recent data' heading.

At Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) data for the main languages are best presented at using the interactive maps.

The publication of this data follows research by Institute for Education, Centre for Analysis of Social Exlusion and the London Borough of Newham. More information is on the UPTAP website.

Note: It is not possible to use the export image function on the map. This is a software issue and a solution is currently being worked on. As an interim method of copying the map image, please use the Print Screen option on your keyboard to copy an image to your clipboard.

  Local Authority   Middle Super Output Area
  Local Authority