Young People
Employment and Skills
Income, Poverty and Welfare
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- Updated a year ago
GLA pay gap data
Greater London Authority (GLA)Since 2021 these data tables have been produced to supplement the Pay Gap reports for the Greater London Authority (GLA). They provide extra details of the median and mean hourly rates of particular groups of staff at the GLA, as well as their corresponding pay gaps, as of 31 March 2023, 2022 and 2021. The GLA first published its ethnicity pay gap in March 2018, one of the first organisations to do so. These data tables bring together a... - Updated 2 years ago
Workforce Integration and Inclusion in London's Growth Sectors
GLA Communities and Social Policy UnitWorkforce Integration and Inclusion in London’s growth sectors The GLA commissioned Work Advance and Institute for Employment Studies to conduct qualitative research to identify sector specific reasons driving the underrepresentation of certain groups of Londoners in the workplace. The relevant sectors are: Green Economy, Creative and Cultural Industries, Digital & Tech, Health and Hospitality. The qualitative research had the f... - Updated 3 years ago
Ethnic Groups by Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table showing ethnic group statistics by aggregated groupings. Categories covered: White - includes White British, Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, and Other Black - includes Black African, Caribbean, and Other Asian - includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese and Other Mixed/Other - includes White and Black Caribbean, White and Asian, White and Black African, Other Mixed, Arab and any Other ethnicity not covered above. ... - Updated 5 years ago
Cumulative Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)This analysis assesses the impact of national changes to the tax and welfare system since 2010 on households in London, using analysis commissioned by the GLA City Intelligence Unit and delivered by Landman Economics. The analysis uses micro-simulation modelling techniques to assess the impact on household incomes in London of changes made to welfare, personal taxes and the introduction of the National Living Wage between May 2010 and ... - Updated 5 years ago
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Evidence Base for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Mayor has a role to play in leading, shaping and responding to changes in London through the work of the GLA group. Inclusive London: the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy sets out how he will help address the inequalities, barriers and discrimination experienced by groups protected by the Equality Act 2010, as well as wider issues. These include poverty and socio-economic inequality, and the challenges and disadvan... - Updated 6 years ago
Population by Religion, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table showing the numbers and percentage of resident population (all ages) broken down into six faiths, plus no religion and any other religion. Data is taken from the Annual Population Survey (ONS). The data covers: Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, any other religion and no religion at all. 95% Confidence Intervals are shown. Or alternatively, faith data from the 2011 Census is able to show numbers for each of the m... - Updated 6 years ago
First Language Spoken at Home, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Table of Numbers and proportion of adult population (16+) who speak English at home as their first language, by borough. Data is taken from the third quarter (July-Sep) Labour Force Survey. Language questions are asked once every three years (2006, 2009, 2012 etc). The question asked to all people aged 16 and over is What is your first language at home? 95% confidence intervals are provided. Denominator is 16+ population from ONS mid... - Created 10 years ago
2011 Census Key Findings Summaries
Census Information SchemeRelease-day summaries of key findings for the 2011 Census - Updated 11 years ago
Languages Spoken by Pupils, Borough & MSOA
London Borough of NewhamData from the 2008 Annual School Census shows for the first time the distribution of different languages spoken in London. 2008 represents the first year in which this data was available for all state schools. Borough data (Excel) Data for all languages above a threshold of 50 across London are presented at borough level. Numbers are rounded to ten. Percentages are rounded to 0.1. Note: Within 'Others' there was at least one speaker ... - Updated 11 years ago
Country of Birth (2001 Census) - Detailed, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Detailed country of birth data from 2001 census Commissioned Table C0413. Data subject to a Country of Birth threshold of ten or more people in each area of residence. Cells in these tables have been randomly adjusted by ONS to avoid the release of confidential data. Users may also find of interest country of birth profiles from 2001 Census data, which uses data from Commissioned Table C0116. See more on the ONS website. - Excel...