Department for Education
Greater London Authority (GLA)
London Borough of Newham
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(1) - Updated 5 months ago
London Schools Atlas
Greater London Authority (GLA)The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places across the capital. The Atlas is part of the Mayor's programme of initiatives aimed at driving up standards in education and ensuring there are enough good places for all children in the city. Covering primary and... - Updated 4 years ago
Percentage of Pupils by Ethnic Group, Borough
Department for EducationPrimary and secondary pupils by ethnic group. Pupils of compulsory school age and above were classified according to ethnic group. Excludes dually registered pupils. National, regional, Local Authority totals and totals across ethnic groups have been rounded to the nearest 10. Number of pupils by ethnic group expressed as a percentage of the total number of pupils of compulsory school age and above. # 1 or 2 pupils, or a rate based ... - Updated 5 years ago
Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals, Borough
Department for EducationTable of Free School Meal arrangements in maintained nursey, primary and secondary schools. Includes middle schools as deemed. Includes pupils who are sole or dual registrations. Includes boarders. National and regional totals, number on roll and number of pupils used in free school meal calculations based on Achievement and Attainment Tables have been rounded to the nearest 10. There may be discrepancies between the sum of constitue... - Updated 5 years ago
Permanent Exclusions from School, Borough
Department for EducationFigures for maintained primary, secondary and special schools are as confirmed by Local Authorities as part of the data checking exercise. Figures for CTCs, academies and non-maintained special schools are as reported by schools and are unconfirmed. National totals, regional totals and totals across school types have been rounded to the nearest 10. Includes middle schools as deemed. The number of permanent exclusions expressed as a ... - Updated 5 years ago
Pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN), Borough
Department for EducationPupils with statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN), based on where the pupil attends school. Includes Nursery, Primary, Middle, Secondary, Independent and Special schools, Pupil Referral Units, City Technology Colleges and Academies. Excludes dually registered pupils. Expressed as a percentage of the total number of pupils in all schools. National and regional totals have been rounded to the nearest 10. See more on the DfE w... - Updated 5 years ago
Schools and Pupils by Type of School, Borough
Department for EducationTable shows numbers of all Schools and Pupils by Type of School. School types included in this publication are State-Funded Primary, Secondary and Special schools, Independent schools, Pupil Referral Units, and Alternative Provision. See DfE website Full daily dataset of all schools and pupil numbers are available from the DFE EduBase site Cartogram created from this data: - Updated 6 years ago
Percentage of Pupils by First Language, Borough
Department for EducationTable showing primary and secondary pupils by whether first language is English or not. The number of pupils by their first language expressed as a percentage of the number of pupils of compulsory school age and above. Total number of pupils of compulsory school age and above. Excludes dually registered pupils. National and regional totals, and totals across each Local Authority have been rounded to the nearest 10. Includes middle s... - Updated 9 years ago
Further Education and Higher Education destinations of KS5 students, Borough and Institution
Department for EducationPercentage of students, who entered an A Level or equivalent qualification, going to, or remaining in, an education destination or employment. The percentage of students progressing to further learning in a school, Further Education or Sixth Form College, Apprenticeship, work based learning provider or Higher Education Institution. To be included in the Measure, young people have to show sustained participation in an education destinat... - Updated 9 years ago
A-Level Results by Gender and Place of Residence, Borough
Department for EducationGCE/VCE/Applied A/AS and Equivalent Examination Results (Level 3) for Young People by Gender in England (Referenced by Location of Student Residence). The figures presented here provide information on the overall achievements of young people in GCE/VCE/Applied A Levels and VCE/Applied Double Awards and Level 3 qualifications equivalent in size to at least one GCE/VCE/Applied A Level in 2007/2008 and who are resident in England. Unlike... - Updated 10 years ago
Languages Spoken by Pupils, Borough & MSOA
London Borough of NewhamData from the 2008 Annual School Census shows for the first time the distribution of different languages spoken in London. 2008 represents the first year in which this data was available for all state schools. Borough data (Excel) Data for all languages above a threshold of 50 across London are presented at borough level. Numbers are rounded to ten. Percentages are rounded to 0.1. Note: Within 'Others' there was at least one speaker ...