COVID-19 Data and Analysis
- Created 3 years ago
Covid-19 and financial hardship in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)At the end of 2020 the GLA commissioned the University of Essex to analyse the impact on Londoners of the Covid-19 crisis, of the emergency policies put in place since March 2020 and of some counterfactual policy options, including the continuation of the £20 weekly uplift in Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit. The researchers used UKMOD, the UK tax-benefit microsimulation model, to conduct their analysis. - Updated 3 years ago
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Roll Out
Greater London Authority (GLA)Vaccinations in London Between 8 December 2020 and 15 September 2021 5,838,305 1st doses and 5,232,885 2nd doses have been administered to London residents. <img src="... - Updated 4 years ago
Researching Community Collecting During COVID-19
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Community Engagement team at the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned this report to identify and examine past and present projects which involve collecting Londoners experiences of COVID-19 through a variety of creative and non-traditional materials. The purpose of the report is to: provide an overview of projects and activities which record Londoners COVID-19 stories and experiences. outline who is responsible for th... - Updated 4 years ago
Socio-economic impact of COVID-19
Greater London Authority (GLA)This briefing presents evidence on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on London and Londoners Topics included in the briefing focus on recent data releases published in the preceding months that tell us how social policy issues are evolving in London since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic For more on the health and demographic impacts see the Demographic Impact Briefing and for labour market impacts see Labour Market Analysis. A... - Updated 4 years ago
London Community Response Survey
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset presents results of a weekly questionnaire sent to a cohort of frontline civil society organisations from April 2020. The results are being used alongside a range of other pieces of intelligence to inform the pan-London response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The week one questionnaire asked organisations a number of profile questions to understand more about the work they do. Questionnaires from week two onwards have asked orga... - Updated 4 years ago
Learning lessons from previous pandemic-related and other shocks
Greater London Authority (GLA)The purpose of this report is to collate literature on the health, social, community, economic and environmental impacts of epidemics, pandemics and other shocks that have had large-scale impacts on different countries and cities internationally. The literature review will help to answer the question, “What could an effective, evidence-based, long-term plan to drive London’s recovery from the impacts of the global pandemic, COVID-19, lo... - Updated 4 years ago
London Job Posting Analytics
Greater London Authority (GLA)This workbook summarises recent Job Posting Analytics related to delivery drivers in London. The data is provided by Emsi, a data modelling company. It looks at job postings based on two different classifications: Job title ('Delivery Driver') Occupations ('Van drivers' and 'Postal workers, mail sorters, messengers and couriers') Please note: Job postings are collected from various sources and processed to provide information such ... - Updated 4 years ago
COVID-19 and London's Economy - impacts and economic outlook
Greater London Authority (GLA)This paper summarises the latest evidence and analysis on the impacts of COVID-19 on London’s economy so far and on the economic outlook so that key actors and stakeholders engaged in responding to the pandemic can have a readily available evidence base to inform policy responses. - Updated 4 years ago
Lost worker vs. tourism expenditure in the Central Activities Zone (CAZ) during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Greater London Authority (GLA)During the pandemic, the loss of expenditure in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ) due to both workers staying at home and tourists being unable or choosing not to visit has had a major impact on the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors. This analysis seeks to investigate the relative importance of these two cohorts to the CAZ. We estimate local expenditure from commuters to the CAZ in 2020, in a scenario with and without Covid-1... - Updated 4 years ago
Map of Community Views
Greater London Authority (GLA)Image: Snapshot from the Map of Community Views To understand different communities’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, Deputy Mayor for Social Integration, Social Mobility and Community Engagement, Dr Debbie Weekes-Bernard and the GLA Community Engagement Team convened a series of virtual roundtable conversations and community meetings with groups and community leaders between April and September 2020. These conversati...