Art and Culture
- Updated 4 years ago
Number of International Visitors to London
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Visit Britain publish data relating to international visitors to the UK. They produce the data in two formats - individual spreadsheets for each region that are updated annually, and a single spreadsheet for all regions, containing less detail but updated quarterly. Data shows London totals for nights, visits, and spend. Data broken down by age, purpose, duration, mode and country. This data is also available from Visit Britain website,... - Updated 5 years ago
Approved Food Establishments
Food Standards AgencyA full list of establishments approved to handle, prepare or produce products of animal origin for which requirements are laid down in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. - Updated 5 years ago
Percentage of Londoners engaged/accessing culture/cultural events by socio-economic group / borough
GOV.UK - Updated 5 years ago
Food Hygiene Ratings Scheme
Food Standards AgencyFood hygiene rating or inspection results given to a businesses and date of inspection or visit by the local authority. Businesses include restaurants, pubs, cafés, takeaways, hotels and other places consumers eat, as well as in supermarkets and other food shops. The data is held on behalf of local authorities participating in the FSA's national food hygiene rating schemes. - Updated 5 years ago
The 2014 Internet User Classification (IUC), LSOA
Greater London Authority (GLA)This bespoke geodemographic classification maps the geography of digital consumers within England by combining over seventy measures selected from survey and lifestyle data, alongside census and infrastructure performance statistics. This project forms an output of an ESRC funded PhD and research project, both undertaken at the University of Liverpool. This project aims to assist the proling of customer databases, targeted marketing a... - Updated 5 years ago
The number of public houses and bars in London 2001-2016
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Data from the Inter-Departmental Business Register, providing information on: the number of public houses and bars (SIC 56.30/2) in London, by Local Authority the employment provided by public houses and bars in London, by Local Authority the number of public houses and bars in London, by MSOA, for 2001 to 2016 - Updated 5 years ago
London's Night Time Economy by Borough and MSOA
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number of workplaces and employees working in industry sectors that operate in the evening or night. The "night time economy" is defined as the following Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC 2007) industries: Cultural and leisure activities Activities which support night time cultural and leisure activities 24-hour health and personal social services Activities which support wider social and economic activities This data is pr... - Updated 5 years ago
Number of public houses, licenced clubs, restaurants and takeaways by Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)The number of workplaces and employment in London for the Industrial Sectors: Public Houses and Bars Licensed restaurants Unlicensed restaurants and cafes Take away food shops and mobile food stands Licensed clubs For Public Houses and Bars an analysis is also presented by workplace size, and by workplace MSOA. - Updated 5 years ago
Tourism Spend Estimates
Greater London Authority (GLA)Local Authority level tourist spend estimates (£ millions). Indicitive borough level day visitor estimates for 2007 were derived from the LDA’s own experimental London level day visitor estimates. As such the borough level day visitor estimates should be treated with caution and the 2007 day visitor estimates are not comparable with those from previous years. They are intended only to give a best estimate of the scale of day visitor to... - Updated 5 years ago
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Evidence Base for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Mayor has a role to play in leading, shaping and responding to changes in London through the work of the GLA group. Inclusive London: the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy sets out how he will help address the inequalities, barriers and discrimination experienced by groups protected by the Equality Act 2010, as well as wider issues. These include poverty and socio-economic inequality, and the challenges and disadvan...