London Fire Brigade
- Updated a year ago
London Fire Brigade - gender, ethnicity and disability pay gap
London Fire BrigadeData on this page shows the gender and ethnicity pay gap reporting and (from 2021) disability pay gap reporting for staff employed by the London Fire Brigade. The London Fire Commissioner (LFC) is the fire and rescue authority for London, and runs the London Fire Brigade (LFB). As a functional body reporting to the Mayor of London, LFB has a commitment to undertake work to narrow any gaps. LFB agree with the Mayor of London that this ... - Updated a year ago
London Fire Brigade - fleet list
London Fire BrigadeThe London Fire Brigade operates a large number of emergency (operational) and non-operational vehicles. There are regular Freedom of Information requests asking for the details of these vehicles and this list is published to largely meet that need. It will be updated annually; usually in the last quarter of the calendar year. From 2020, the list also includes details of appliances removed from service during the year and new appliances... - Updated a year ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2022/23
London Fire BrigadeAs part of budget guidance, the Mayor asks that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring. The aim is that this information is available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. The London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue authority for London, and the LFC runs the London Fire Brigade. - Updated 2 years ago
Fatal fires in Greater London - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeThis Fire Facts publication - first published in 2018 - provides a range of statistical data about fire deaths in London. It includes a time series of data back to 1966, data for fire deaths by London borough, where people die, what causes the fires where people die, plus ethnicity and gender data about those who die in fires. - Updated 2 years ago
LFB Statement of Assurance - supporting data
London Fire BrigadeEach year, London's fire and rescue authority is required to prepare an annual Statement of Assurance (SoA) in accordance with the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England. This is to " provide annual assurance on financial, governance and operational matters ". The format of the Statement follows guidance produced by the government (May 2013). Governance of London's fire and rescue service changed on 1 April 2018, when the for... - Updated 2 years ago
Fires in Greater London - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeOur Fire Facts report Fires in Greater London provides the most in depth review of fire data in LFB's 150 year history. The publicly available data (2000 to 2021) is divided into four sections: long term trends, where fires happen, fires in the home and fires in other buildings. The published Fire Facts is available on the LFB website. The underpinning data for the publication for the latest report is available in an Excel file. For dat... - Updated 2 years ago
LFB Payments over £250 - 2022/23
London Fire BrigadeThis dataset is for 2022/23 (April 2022 to March 2023) only. Data for 2021/22 is here; for 2020/21 here, 2019/20 here, 2018/19 here, 2017/18 here, and 2016/17 and earlier years is here . Payments over £250 made by the London Fire Brigade* as part of the government and Mayor of London's transparency agenda. The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires the data to indicate VAT for payments which cannot be recovered; there are no ... - Updated 2 years ago
Assessment of Local Risks supporting the London Safety Plan 2017
London Fire BrigadeThis page is about the Assessment of Local Risks (AoLR) which supported the Brigade's London Safety Plan 2017 (LSP2017). This 2017 plan has now been replaced by the Brigade's new Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) - Your London Fire Brigade: our plan for 2023-29. This new plan, plus the Assessment of Risk which supports, it are available on the LFB website here. The 2017 Assessment of Local Risk was a public facing document, designed... - Updated 2 years ago
Incident response times - Fire Facts
London Fire BrigadeThis Fire Facts report sets out the key information on the response times to the 999 calls received by the London Fire Brigade. It includes data and analysis on the various stages of emergency response from how long it takes people to call the fire brigade when a fire starts to how long it takes to handle the 999 call and for fire engines to arrive on scene and resolve the incident. The methodology for counting fire engine response time... - Updated 3 years ago
Community Safety Risks
London Fire BrigadeA live Power BI report that shows an overview of Community Safety metrics per London Borough (including fires as well as special service incidents). This report, which is updated daily, provides data to support the development of Community Safety Strategy Plans and helps to identify high risk key areas and monitor trends over time. If you have any questions about this tool please email data@london-fire.gov.uk