Greater London Authority (GLA)
The GLA is a strategic regional authority, with powers over transport, policing, economic development, and fire and emergency planning. Three functional bodies — Transport for London, the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime, and London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority — are responsible for delivery of services in these areas.
Employment and Skills
Business and Economy
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Smallest Geography
Local Authority
Greater London
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- Updated 10 years ago
MSOA Atlas
Greater London Authority (GLA)This MSOA atlas provides a summary of demographic and related data for each Middle Super Output Area in Greater London. The average population of an MSOA in London in 2010 was 8,346, compared with 1,722 for an LSOA and 13,078 for a ward. The profiles are designed to provide an overview of the population in these small areas by combining a range of data on the population, births, deaths, health, housing, crime, commercial property/floor... - Updated 10 years ago
ONS 2011-based Subnational Population Projections
Greater London Authority (GLA)This report from the GLA Intelligence Unit analyses the ONS 2011 Sub-national Population Projections (SNPP) for London boroughs. The report provides insight into the methodology employed by ONS in the production of the projections as well as comparing this projection to previous ONS SNPP projections. The report is available to download here. The data used in the report is available to download here. More data available on the ONS we... - Created 10 years ago
Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Annual Report 2009-2012 Data
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Annual Report 2009-2012 data provides levels of CO2 emissions reductions achieved through direct Mayoral programmes, including RE:NEW, RE:FIT, and the Decentralised Energy Programme. It is produced by the Greater London Authority and this forms the first set of data. It is intended that data is produced annually. - Updated 10 years ago
2013 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report
Greater London Authority (GLA)This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2013 Town Centre Health Check report’. The indicators for this database are categorised in the following sub-headings: ‘scale and function’, ‘capacity’, ‘financial performance’, ‘accessibility’, ‘town centre initiatives’, ‘accidents and security’ and ‘environment’. Further details of the health check indicators including data sour... - Created 11 years ago
Fertility in London, 2001 and 2011
Greater London Authority (GLA)This Intelligence Unit Update (02-2014) uses ONS population estimates and birth data to examine changes in fertility in London between 2001 and 2011. Update 02-2014 and the accompanying data are both available to download. The Demography Team within the GLA Intelligence Unit publishes a range of population projections which can be accessed via the GLA Demographic Projections Datastore web page. - Updated 11 years ago
London Brownfield Sites Review
Greater London Authority (GLA)Important Note The Brownfield data was handed over from LDA to the Homes and Communities Agency so that HCA could maintain it as part of the National Land Use Database (NLUD). The HCA’s online mapping site displays a points only version of NLUD from 2010 (password protected): The links to the files below will remain here as a matter of historical record. Polygons showing the boundaries of Brownfield land in London along with thei... - Created 11 years ago
Solid wall and off gas network properties, (LSOA)
Greater London Authority (GLA)Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga Partnership Charitable Trust, and Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes. The report helped with quantifying rural fuel poverty across England, particularly in relation to hard-to-treat (HTT) homes. Data covers the whole of England. Spreadsheet also ... - Updated 11 years ago
European Quality of Life Survey
Greater London Authority (GLA)The European Quality of Life survey (EQLS) examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives, and how they feel about those circumstances, and their lives in general. It looks at a range of issues, such as employment, income, education, housing, family, health and work-life balance. It also looks at subjective topics, such as people's levels of happiness, how satisfied they are with their lives, and how they perceive... - Updated 11 years ago
Better Environment, Better Health - Guides for London Boroughs
Greater London Authority (GLA)Improving the local environment can help improve health and wellbeing. The GLA have produced a bespoke guide for each London borough highlighting how positive changes to the environment help support better health. The Better Environment, Better Health guide offers tailored information on seven important environmental factors that can impact on residents’ health. These factors are green spaces, active travel and transport, surface water... - Created 11 years ago
Mayor's Office Gifts and Hospitality Register
Greater London Authority (GLA)Register of any gift or hospitality worth £25 or over received by Mayor's Office in connection with their official duties. This currently links to the existing pages on the GLA website where the information can be found. We are working on making this data available in an easier to use format. Relevant link: