Department of Health
The Department of Health (DH) is the Ministerial Department of Government responsible for government policy on health and social care matters. It oversees the English National Health Service (NHS).
The Department of Health develops policies and guidelines to improve the quality of care and to meet patient expectations.
- Updated 4 months ago
Immunisation Rates for Children at 1st, 2nd and 5th Birthdays
Department of HealthCentre for Infections (CfI) for information on childhood immunisation uptake at ages 1, 2 and 5 collected through the Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER). Long-term trends for MMR immunisations in London and England are available, back to 1988/89. It is not possible to easily display the long term trends for all regions since the definitions and boundaries of the other English regions has changed a number of times during this... - Updated 9 months ago
Legal Abortion Rates
Department of HealthThe annual Abortion Statistics for England and Wales: 2022 has been provisionally delayed from 22 June 2023 until May 2024. This is due to a backlog in the HSA4 form processing, which the publication is based on. Legal abortions: rates by Primary Care Organisation by age. Rates per 1,000 in age group. Age not stated have been distributed pro-rata across age group 20-24. Rates for under 16 are based on populations 13-15. Rates for all... - Updated a year ago
Breast Cancer Screening, Borough
Department of HealthProportion of women (age 53-70) offered screening for breast cancer by borough. Women between the ages of 50 and 70 are invited for regular breast screening (every three years) under a national programme. This is intended to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Click here to find out how to access historical data from The Health Needs Assessment toolkit as well as how to access more recent data. - Updated 4 years ago
Prevalence of Childhood Obesity, Borough, Ward and MSOA
Department of HealthPrevalence of underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese children. The data covers children in Reception year (aged 4-5) and Year 6 (aged 10-11) There is the potential for error in the collection, collation and interpretation of the data (bias may be introduced due to poor response rates and selective opt out of larger children which it is not possible to control for). The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) does not i... - Updated 7 years ago
Smoking Indicators, Borough
Department of HealthThis dataset contains three smoking related indicators. Rates of self reported four-week smoking quitters Smoking quit rates per 100,000 available from the HNA. - These quarterly reports present provisional results from the monitoring of the NHS Stop Smoking Services (NHS SSS) in England. This report includes information on the number of people setting a quit date and the number who successfully quit at the 4 week follow-up. Data for... - Updated 9 years ago
Suicide Mortality Rates, Borough
Department of HealthTable of directly (DSR) age-standardised rates of suicides per 100,000 population, and Indirectly (SMR) (Includes undetermined Injuries), all ages and age 15 plus, three year (pooled) average and annual, by sex. Deaths from intentional self-harm and injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (ICD-10 X60-X84, Y10-Y34 exc Y33.9, ICD-9 E950-E959 and E980-E989 exc E988.8), registered in the respective calendar year(s).... - Updated 9 years ago
Number of Registered Blind and Partially Sighted People by Age Group, Borough
Department of HealthThis data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England as being blind and partially sighted by age, for years ending 31 March. Age groups are: 0-4, 5-17, 18-49, 50-64, 65-74, 75 and over. A decision was made to bring the most recent collection forward by a year for collection in 2008, due to concerns regarding the fall in the number of people newly registered as bl... - Updated 9 years ago
Number of Registered Blind and Partially Sighted People with an Additional Disability by Category, Borough
Department of HealthThis Data shows the number of people registered with Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England as being blind and partially sighted with an additional disability by category of disability, for years ending 31 March. Categories include: Mental illness only, learning disabilities only, physical disabilities only, deaf without speech, deaf with speech, hard of hearing, mental illness and other disabilities,... - Updated 9 years ago
Hospital Admissions due to Injury of Children, Borough
Department of HealthNumerators, denominators and rates of emergency hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries to children and young people (aged 0-17 years) by Region and Local Authority, 2003/04 to 2011/12. This data used to make up National Indicator 70 (NI70). Data available from The LGA Inform website. - Updated 9 years ago
Immunisations Against Influenza
Department of HealthPersons aged 65 and over immunised against Influenza between October and January. Related links: http://www.hscic.gov.uk/Article/1685 http://www.hscic.gov.uk/searchcatalogue?q=title%3A%22NHS+Immunisation+Statistics%22&area=&size=10&sort=RelevanceDesc