
- Updated 7 days ago
Labour Market Analysis of London’s Priority Sectors
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page presents a labour market analysis related to each of the Mayor of London’s priority sectors. Each report explores a different economic sector in detail by bringing together data from a wide-range of sources. An FAQ guide has also been published alongside these reports to help users navigate their contents. When using outputs from this analysis it is important to be aware of the following caveats: The analysis is not int... - Updated a month ago
Apprenticeship Statistics for London
Greater London Authority (GLA)This page presents analysis and data related to skills and employment in London Note on data sources and interpretation: The analysis is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. It is a snapshot analysis of key data as it pertains to London. The analysis does not represent the full body of evidence on which Mayoral Policies are, or will be, based. Outputs should be triangulated with other sources of information and analysis ... - Updated 2 months ago
Skills Bootcamps for Londoners
Greater London Authority (GLA)Skills Bootcamps for Londoners aim to help Londoners aged 19+ to enter employment, upskill or change career and are open to adults who are full-time or part-time employed, self-employed or unemployed, as well as adults returning to work after a break. Bootcamp training courses provide access to in-demand sector specific skills training and provide a guaranteed job interview on completion. In addition to technical training, learners will... - Updated 2 months ago
Green Job Postings
Greater London Authority (GLA)About this dataset This page presents experimental analysis related to green jobs and skills in London, using online job postings data provided by Lightcast. This near real-time data can be used to help track and assess the demand for green expertise in London. When using outputs from this analysis it is important to be aware of the following caveats: The methodology used to identify green job postings remains experimental and su... - Updated 2 years ago
Monitoring the employment impact of mayoral programmes and initiatives
Greater London Authority (GLA)GLA Economics has produced a report ‘Monitoring the employment impact of mayoral programmes and initiatives’. The analysis allows us to estimate the number of jobs associated with GLA Group-led activity from the start of the Mayoral term (2016). The data available to download here shows gross jobs by job type, programme and policy area. Please note the report was amended on 18 May 2023 to reflect more up-to-date figures on the number of... - Created 2 years ago
London Business Survey 2022
Greater London Authority (GLA)In 2014 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) designed the London Business Survey (LBS), on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA. In 2021 the GLA requested an alternative to the London Business Survey, to provide a snapshot of businesses in London without the use of a bespoke survey. As such the ONS - London team has compiled various published datasets from multiple sources into a singular workbook. It is important to ... - Updated 2 years ago
Government Consultation Responses - Adult Education and Skills
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Greater London Authority’s responses to national government consultations relating to adult education, skills, and employment provision. - Updated 3 years ago
Qualifications of Working Age Population (NVQ), Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Qualifications of working age population (16-64), and proportion of people aged 25-64 with each level of qualification. Highest level of Qualification held (None, Other, NVQ1,2,3,4+), of working-age people. No qualifications ‘No qualifications’: No academic or professional qualifications. Level 1 ‘1-4 GCSEs or equivalent’ (Level 1 qualifications): 1-4 O Levels/CSE/GCSEs (any grades), Entry Level, Foundation Diploma, ... - Created 3 years ago
Work Experience and Contextual Admissions at London's Higher Education Institutions
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA commissioned CFE Research to carry out qualitative research into: the provision of work experience and employability support for students at London’s Higher Education Institutions, particularly for those from under-represented groups. the use of contextual admissions to support the access and participation of Londoners from under-represented groups The research aims to identify good practice, to explore challenges and how they... - Updated 3 years ago
Skills Roadmap Consultation Results
Greater London Authority (GLA)In January 2022 the Mayor published his Skills Roadmap for London. The Roadmap sets the direction of travel for adult education in London over the Mayoral term and beyond, including future plans for the approximately £320 million per year Adult Education Budget (AEB). The Roadmap was developed based on extensive consultation with stakeholders, communities and businesses. The GLA engaged over 100 organisations through a written consultat...