Smallest Geography
Local Authority
(2) - Updated a year ago
Consumption of Other Fuels, Borough
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Estimates of consumption of non gas, non electricity and non road transport fuels. (1) Includes consumption within industry and the energy sectors including oil refineries. (2) Excludes the consumption of propane. (3) Includes some coal consumption by auto-generators. (4) Excludes renewables and wastes used for electricity generation. (5) The figures in this dataset do not equal those in the AEA report 'UK Local and Regional estima... - Updated 7 years ago
Total Energy Consumption, Borough
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Estimates of total final energy consumption by sector. Energy consumption from domestic, transport and industrial source broken down by key energy type (coal, gas, petroleum products, manufactured fuels, renewables and electricity). Data is measured in Gwh Ktoe - Kilotonnes of Oil Equivalent. GWh - Gigawatt Hours. Visit the BEIS website