- Updated 2 years ago
Top Languages Spoken in London Boroughs and MSOAs
Greater London Authority (GLA)This dataset is now out of date: it shows the most spoken languages by borough and MSOAs in London based on 2011 Census. Up to date data are now available from 2021 census but have so far been published only for London boroughs not wards, MSOAs, or local areas. A report on Languages spoken and English proficiency in London is here. - Updated 9 years ago
Super Output Area Population (LSOA, MSOA), London
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Lower and Middle Super Output Area populations by single year of age for both current and previous boundaries. Data for previous boundaries has been apportioned by the Greater London Authority. Areas that have merged were calculated using proportions from previous Mid-year population estimates (pre-revision) and applying it to the current estimates. Data downloads: Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) - current LSOA boundaries (2011) (ZIP...