
- Updated 2 months ago
Historical Census Tables
Census Information SchemeAn Excel workbook containing tables of census data for a range of indicators going back to 1961 where possible. Two versions are offered: the legacy '2011' workbook with data up to 2011, and a '2021' workbook updated to 2021. The 2021 update is a work in progress. - Updated 3 months ago
Births by Mother's Country of Birth in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes data on the number of live births by the mother's country of birth in England and Wales each year. Every time a birth is registered in England and Wales both parents are required to state their places of birth on their child's birth certificate, and this information is then collated to produce these statistics. In order to make it easier to look at what these data tell us about births i... - Updated 3 years ago
Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) policy in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)In 2021, the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the London School of Economics (LSE) to conduct a robust Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) of the removal of the NRPF restriction for certain migrant groups with work related visas, and their family members. They did this by quantifying all the costs that would be imposed on central and local government as a result and quantifying all the benefits to society that would arise fro... - Updated 3 years ago
Population by Country of Birth
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This dataset shows different breakdowns of London's resident population by their country of birth. Data used comes from ONS' Annual Population Survey (APS). The APS has a sample of around 320,000 people in the UK (around 28,000 in London). As such all figures must be treated with some caution. 95% confidence interval levels are provided. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand and figures for smaller populations have been su... - Updated 3 years ago
Population by Nationality
Office for National Statistics (ONS)This dataset shows different breakdowns of London's resident population by their nationality. Data used comes from ONS' Annual Population Survey (APS). The APS has a sample of around 320,000 people in the UK (around 28,000 in London). As such all figures must be treated with some caution. 95% confidence interval levels are provided. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand and figures for smaller populations have been suppres... - Updated 3 years ago
Granted British Citizenship
Home OfficePersons attending a British citizenship ceremony. (P) Provisional figures.(R) Figures have been revised since the first release of this data, for example to include late returns. Relates to adults over 18 years of age only. Ceremony Attended: A ceremony organised by County or Local Authorities for successful applicants over 18 years of age for British citizenship. At the ceremony the applicant takes the Oath or Affirmation of allegiance... - Updated 4 years ago
Internal migration flows - school age children visualisation
Greater London Authority (GLA)Updated: 15/02/2021 ONS internal migration estimates have been used to create two visualisations showing in-, out- and net flows of school age children at a borough and region level for mid-year 2002 to mid-year 2020. - Updated 4 years ago
Migration indicators
Greater London Authority (GLA)Migration indicators from ONS and DWP. The table below details the sources of the datasets available and the dates of their next update. Migration Statistics Quarterly Report Statistical bulletins, ONS 26 November 2020 National Insurance numbers issued to overseas nationals, Stats-Xplore, DWP. 26 November 2020 Population Estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, ONS June 2021 Local area migration indicators s... - Updated 5 years ago
National Insurance Number Registrations of Overseas Nationals, Borough and MSOA
Department for Work and PensionsNational Insurance Number (NINo) registrations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK by year of registration, by country of origin. 100% extract from National Insurance Recording System. Figures are rounded to the nearest ten. Some additional disclosure control has been applied. Totals may not sum due to rounding method used. Registration date is derived from the date at which a NINo is maintained on the National Insurance Reco... - Updated 6 years ago
Migrants to the United Kingdom by Decade of Arrival, Borough
Office for National Statistics (ONS)Number of migrants by decade of arrival to the United Kingdom. Includes all decades since 1970. Data shown for years 2004 to 2016. Numbers are rounded to nearest thousand. Figures are based on surveys and 95% confidence intervals are provided. Special Licence Access data to the Annual Population Survey. Approved ONS Researchers only.