- Updated 5 years ago
LFB financial and performance reporting 2018/19
London Fire BrigadeAs part of his budget guidance, the Mayor requested that the LFB (London Fire Commissioner) publish financial and performance monitoring, and that this information should be available on our external website within 25 working days after each quarter end. The Mayor's budget guidance for 2019/20 for LFB and other functional bodies can be found in the GLA website here. From 1 April 2018, the London Fire Commissioner is the fire and rescue ... - Updated 8 years ago
London Elections Results 2016, Wards, Boroughs, Constituency
Greater London Authority (GLA)The results for the Mayoral and Assembly elections down to constituency level are available (including turnout and spoils etc). Please note that due to boundary changes, 2016 ward data is not comparable with previous years' data. INTERACTIVE MAPPING The 2000-2012 election data for wards, boroughs, and constituencies is presented using interactive maps and charts in an InstantAtlas report. Click here to launch the tool. More info on... - Updated 10 years ago
London Elections Results 2004, Borough
Greater London Authority (GLA)Mayoral and London Assembly votes, spoils and turnout from 2004. Election results from London elections on 10 June 2004. Data from the elections in 2000 is not available at a borough level since it was never collected, though the report does provide comparisons with all available data from the 2000 elections ie Constituency level data. There is a seperate page for 2000 data. Elections covered in the data are London Mayor (first and se... - Updated 10 years ago
London Elections Results 2008, Borough
Greater London Authority (GLA)Mayoral and London Assembly votes, spoils and turnout. Borough level data is here. Election results from London elections on 1 May 2008. Data from the elections in 2000 is not available at a borough level since it was never collected. Elections covered in the data are London Mayor (first and second choice), London member (list), and GLA Constituency member. The 2008 PDF report can be found here Download the ward turnout data Note: W... - Updated 10 years ago
Mayor's Decisions
Greater London Authority (GLA)Register of Mayoral decisions approving proposals for new or significant initiatives. The Mayor has pledged to uphold and develop the highest standards of transparency and openness in the way that he makes decisions and spends public money. The Mayor rather than GLA officers approves proposals for new or significant initiatives and those where expenditure will be over £50,000. These decisions are published on the GLA website in RTF and ... - Created 11 years ago
Mayor's Office Gifts and Hospitality Register
Greater London Authority (GLA)Register of any gift or hospitality worth £25 or over received by Mayor's Office in connection with their official duties. This currently links to the existing pages on the GLA website where the information can be found. We are working on making this data available in an easier to use format. Relevant link: https://www.london.gov.uk/about-us/greater-london-authority-gla/good-governance/gifts-and-hospitality - Created 11 years ago
Mayor's Office Expenses
Greater London Authority (GLA)Declaration of expenses incurred by Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Directors and Advisors. This currently links to the existing PDF and RTF documents on the GLA website. We are working on making this data available in a more easy to use format. Related link: https://www.london.gov.uk/about-us/greater-london-authority-gla/spending-money-wisely/salaries-expenses-benefits-and-workforce - Created 11 years ago
Mayor's Office Register of Interests
Greater London Authority (GLA)Declaration of personal interests by the Mayor's Office. The Mayor of London is required to declare personal interests in the Standing Register of Interests. He/she must register these details with the GLA's Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the commencement of his/her term of office, and must submit an updated notification within 28 days of becoming aware of any change. The Mayor has stated that the Register of Interests for Mayor...