
Greater London Authority (GLA)
GLA Health Team
Higher Education Statistics Agency
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
Smallest Geography
Education Institution
Greater London
Local Authority
(1) - Updated 2 months ago
Snapshot of Health Inequalities in London
GLA Health TeamWhile London tends to have better health outcomes than the rest of the UK, stark ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities remain. The Snapshot of Health Inequalities in London provides a high-level overview of major inequalities issues affecting Londoners with thematic packs on climate, children and young people, and the cost of living. This is a resource intended to inform health and non-health specialists. It will inform action on... - Updated a year ago
Participation of Under-Represented Groups in Higher Education
Higher Education Statistics AgencyThe UK Performance Indicators (which included non-continuation rates) have been discontinued after the 2020/21 release. These data provide information about the participation of certain groups that are under-represented in higher education. The data includes the percentage of students from state schools or colleges, specified socio-economic classes and low-participation neighbourhoods and provide a breakdown by Higher Education institu... - Updated 2 years ago
The rising cost of living and its effects on Londoners
Greater London Authority (GLA)This work looks at the spiralling cost of living and the challenges facing Londoners including the rising poverty levels in the capital. The latest update is dated August 2022. The report and public attitudes and behaviour charts (published 1 February 2022) were republished (7 April 2022) to correct a calculation error. This error was due to manual calculation. - Created 3 years ago
Work Experience and Contextual Admissions at London's Higher Education Institutions
Greater London Authority (GLA)The GLA commissioned CFE Research to carry out qualitative research into: the provision of work experience and employability support for students at London’s Higher Education Institutions, particularly for those from under-represented groups. the use of contextual admissions to support the access and participation of Londoners from under-represented groups The research aims to identify good practice, to explore challenges and how they... - Updated 5 years ago
Indices of Multiple Deprivation, Borough
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)Summary statistics from Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD). The spreadsheet includes borough data from 2000, 2004 and 2007. The latest Indices of Deprivation data for 2010 can be found here. The Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007 combines a number of indicators, chosen to cover a range of economic, social and housing issues, into a single deprivation score for each small area in England. This allows each area to be ranked relative... - Updated 11 years ago
The Wealth Gap In London
Greater London Authority (GLA)This GLA Intelligence Update takes a brief look at evidence around the wealth gap in London and examines how this has changed in recent years. Key Findings • There is a significant gap between the rich and poor in London, both in terms of their wealth and their income. • A higher proportion of the wealthiest households are in the South East of England than in London. • Pension wealth accounts for more than half the wealth of ...