Greater London Authority (GLA)
(3) - Updated 2 months ago
Waste Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs)
Greater London Authority (GLA)London Local authorities have developed their waste Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs) setting out key actions for minimising waste and boosting recycling locally. The RRPs are used to drive and promote local activity that will also play an important role helping to achieve the Mayor’s London-wide targets to cut food waste by 50 per person and achieve 65 per cent municipal waste recycling by 2030. To view individual borough RRPs, plea... - Updated 4 years ago
Just transition initial analysis by industry group in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)These slides begin to explore the potential impacts of the transition to a net-zero carbon and circular economy on different industry groups and workers in London. It should be noted that this analysis has not been based on London’s emissions as reported through the London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI). Instead we use UK level data on emissions and energy consumption by industry group and apportion to a London level using ... - Updated 10 years ago
Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy Model Data
Greater London Authority (GLA)This package contains the data behind Delivering London's Energy Future, the Mayor's climate change mitigation and energy strategy, which was published in 2011. Over a number of tabs, the spreadsheet shows how the Mayor's target to reduce London's CO2 emissions by 60% on 1990 levels by 2025 can be met by a combination of Government actions and mayoral programmes.