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Greater London Authority (GLA)
Smallest Geography
- Updated a month ago
Borough Council Election Results 2022
Greater London Authority (GLA)With the aim of making the democratic process as transparent as possible to the London electorate, this report includes a great deal of detail on every aspect of the 2022 London Borough council elections. No other single volume presents the full results and election statistics from the 32 London boroughs enabling the reader to analyse and compare the results across London in one place. The report presents data for every candidate in eve... - Updated 6 months ago
Children in low income families
Greater London Authority (GLA)About the dataset This dataset uses information from the DWP benefit system to provide estimates of children living in poverty for wards in London. In order to be counted in this dataset, a family must have claimed Child Benefit and at least one other household benefit (Universal Credit, tax credits or Housing Benefit) during the year. The numbers are calibrated to the Households Below Average Income (HBAI) dataset used to provide the g... - Updated 6 months ago
London Schools Atlas
Greater London Authority (GLA)The London Schools Atlas is an innovative interactive online map of London providing a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of London schools, current patterns of attendance and potential future demand for school places across the capital. The Atlas is part of the Mayor's programme of initiatives aimed at driving up standards in education and ensuring there are enough good places for all children in the city. Covering primary and... - Updated 2 years ago
London Civic Strength Index
Greater London Authority (GLA)Co-designed and co-created with Londoners, the Civic Strength Index was developed by The Young Foundation and funded by the GLA. It helps London boroughs and organisations support discussions about the strengths of their communities and consider how build on them. Interested in seeing how your neighbourhood scores in civic strength? Click on the map below to open an interactive version: or download the file below to lo... - Updated 3 years ago
ONS Mid-Year Population Estimates - Custom Age Tables
Greater London Authority (GLA)Excel Age-Range creator for Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid year population estimates (MYE) covering each year between 1999 and 2016 These files take into account the revised estimates for 2002-2010 released in April 2013 down to Local Authority level and the post 2011 estimates based on the Census results. Scotland and Northern Ireland data has not been revised, so Great Britain and United Kingdom totals comprise the origin... - Updated 4 years ago
GLA Population Projections - Custom Age Tables
Greater London Authority (GLA)This Excel based tool enables users to query the raw single year of age data so that any age range can easily be calculated without having to carry out often complex, and time consuming formulas that could also be open to human error. Each year the GLA demography team produce sets of population projections. The full raw data by single year of age (SYA) and gender are available as Datastore packages at the links below. How to use the t... - Updated 4 years ago
Tree Canopy Cover Prioritisation Tool
Greater London Authority (GLA)This is a new tool to help decision-makers choose which locations within London might be prioritised for tree planting. This tool presents the Curio Canopy – London Tree Canopy Cover map at ward scale[1], alongside several other environmental and social datasets. There are multiple factors that influence both the existing variation in tree canopy cover across the capital, and the potential for increasing canopy cover, including populati... - Updated 4 years ago
The Experience of Mutual Aid in London
Greater London Authority (GLA)We developed a survey for mutual aid groups which asked questions about the number of participants, activities they were carrying out, challenges they faced, what worked well, resources they found useful and relationships with other organisations (Appendix 1). The Survey was open for responses for four weeks from 12th May - 9th June 2020. We received 38 responses in total from across 18 different boroughs. We also held an online conv... - Updated 5 years ago
Excel Mapping Template for London Boroughs and Wards
Greater London Authority (GLA)A free mapping tool that allows you to create a thematic map of London without any specialist GIS skills or software - all you need is Microsoft Excel. Templates are available for London’s Boroughs and Wards. Full instructions are contained within the spreadsheets. Borough maps Map for quantitative data Map for categorical data Cartogram that uses squares to represent London Boroughs Ward maps Pre-2014 boundaries Greater Lon... - Updated 5 years ago
London Ward Well-Being Scores
Greater London Authority (GLA)These ward level well being scores present a combined measure of well-being indicators of the resident population based on 12 different indicators. Where possible each indicator score is compared with the England and Wales average, which is zero. Scores over 0 indicate a higher probability that the population on average will experience better well-being according to these measures. Users can adjust the weight of each indicator depending...